aaa shelf eq'ing on tracks - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: shelf eq'ing on tracks

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Original Message                 Date: 18-Mar-02  @  04:40 PM   -   shelf eq'ing on tracks


Posts: 290

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hey all...

I have a song that gets real busy toward the end and it sounds all mushy... the top end doesn't cut through - there's a lot of sounds competing for space...

I read that some ppl take each track and hi and lo-pass it to center kind of a bell curve on just the audible frequencies for the track....

is that worth the time and effort? (I would have to do it offline since VST doesn't have shelf EQ)

I realize that I will need to do more EQ while all the tracks are playing together to really solve all my problems, but I was wondering if any of you routinely did that kind of shelving EQ to help out, or as a starting point.....

also, would I lose anything by doing that? I always hear that those upper inaudible frequencies add to a mix, so am I going to lose something there? or will some of those freq's be replaced by decaying reverb?

any EQ tips/advice appreciated....

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Message 11/11             20-Mar-02  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: shelf eq'ing on tracks

Brett B


Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

maybe I could use that if I could figure out ratio realease and attack on the ME compressor. It has in, out and gain on the curve and gain on the eq-band graph?

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