aaa REMINDER: Enjoy life - The lounge forums
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Subject: REMINDER: Enjoy life

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Original Message                 Date: 04-Mar-03  @  07:53 AM   -   REMINDER: Enjoy life


Posts: 4573

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Just saw 'Waking Life' the other night and have been watching snippets of it the past day or so. If you haven't seen it, it's a wonderful film that embodies many of the philosophical ideas that we often exhort and readily imbibe here at Dancetech. It's been mentioned once or twice here.

Basically, upon reflection of my own philosophies with other people, it has been drawn to my attention that I can appear rather negative at times. I won't get into specifics, but it made me realize that when we focus on our ideals, at times it is easy to get rather gloomy when considering the fate of the world. And it can be difficult to factor in other people and our interactions with them when developing one's personal belief system. The tendancy is to delve into oneself and lump the rest of the world into the "illusion" category.

But interaction is all we have. An isolated individual has no frame of reference in which to place themself in the universe. They are a pointless void with no purpose to the betterment of the human condition. Don't fall into that trap! (Yeah, i'm talking to myself!)

People, we have music. We have love for each other and respect for what we do. We have millions of people around the world saying "no, we don't want any more wars." Most days when you wake up, the sun is still shining. Just think... you can think! Think about it!

And come back to this thread when you forget. That is my hope.


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Message 11/11             05-Mar-03  @  07:59 AM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


Posts: 7627

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you never really struck me as negative, psylichon. Quite the opposite actually

and..sometimes..ideals...are depressing. Its knowing what could be that makes it difficult to accept what is

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