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Subject: Record in stereo

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Dec-01  @  04:21 PM   -   Record in stereo


Posts: 27

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Yes, I am a total newbie when it comes to recording and how to use a mixer. Now...

What I have is a Behringer MX 802A mixer, a guitar w/ a Line6 POD (amp simulator), a drum machine, a bass module and a soundcard with only one input.

After I have made a drum and a bass part in Cakewalk, I want to record the guitar part. To do that, I need to hear the drum and the bass while playing, but I only want the guitar to be recorded. There are both control room and main outs on the mixer (as well as a headphones out which, I think, is the same as the ctrl room out), but I haven't found a way to "isolate" the guitar channels and only send them through the main outs but still be able to monitor all channels.

The only way I have found to do what I want is to plug the guitar into the pod into two channels on the mixer, and go from one of the AUX sends to the line in on my soundcard. This seems a bit backwards to me though, and it's impossible to record in stereo that way, which is what I want to do. I would also prefer to plug the guitar straight into the mixer, and put the pod between the AUX send and the AUX return, but that's a minor issue since it's just a matter of swapping a few cables when I want to record.

If anyone has used the MX 802 or know how it works, and have any tips on how to record just a few of the channels while still being able to monitor all channels, please let me know! Right now I go from the POD to two mono channels on the mixer, but I could of course use a stereo channel instead, if it makes any difference.


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Message 11/12             14-Dec-01  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: Record in stereo


Posts: 1675

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I likes it fine. I guy I do recording for has a Pod (original version) and used to leave it with me for extended periods so I'm familiar with both. Since I picked up the Johnson, he's left the Pod at home. J-Station lets you get at all the parameters (amp, cabinet, effects) from the front panel, so you don't have to use an editor/librarian to set your own shit up, and there's models for bass amps and cabinets as well as acoustic models. The acoustic stuff doesn't really sound so much like an acoustic guitar as an acoustic guitar with piezo pickups played through an amp. (a bass sounds real weird and kinda cool through the "ovation" modeler.) But there's all the fender, marshall, mesa, vox, etc. stuff in there. It's output seems a little hotter too. Plus you can usually pick 'em up for 150 USD vs. 300-350 for the Line 6 thing. Isn't there a digitech one and a behringer one now as well (although I make a point to generally hate behringer poo)?

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Message 12/12             14-Dec-01  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Record in stereo


Posts: 2707

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Yeah, the digitech Genetx stuff. And there's a hideous Behringer guitar-shaped doohickey..

I'd recommend anyone wanting one of these things to try 'em all out.. Your milegae may vary, but I loved the sound of the POD and hated the J-Station. Personal preference is all, but that's why YOU need to try them out YOURSELF  


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