aaa London gets the 2012 Olympics - The lounge forums
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Subject: London gets the 2012 Olympics

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Jul-05  @  12:47 PM   -   London gets the 2012 Olympics


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Message 11/12             21-Jul-05  @  09:27 PM   -   RE: London gets the 2012 Olympics


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Do you think Al Q'aeda will be offering half price fares for willing Jihadees?

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Message 12/12             21-Jul-05  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: London gets the 2012 Olympics



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exactly my point...this is the sort of thing that just amazes me at times.....
how we are daily expressing our right to invade as western technological judeo-christian hi-tech corporate societies.....and intervene in the daily lives of other civilizarions...bomb with deadly hi-tech imprecision, pillage house-to-house....terrorize and mutilate...and yet we get so happy when some city gets the olympics...over say another our need to ignore the barbarity of our own peculiarly medieval but well-dressed ways.
so happy, in fact, that we can't even imagine how it feels to have our daily lives shattered in apparently meaningless manner of explosive device hurling in all directions with little regard for who or how many gets hit or if what we do to others elsewhere has no bearing or consequence upon what might, in turn, happen to us one day.

so yeah...hooray hooray hooray....bush can give his respects to the iraqis and their soccer team one moment....then when no one's looking...or even when they are....
continue to bomb their country with impunity.
it's not surprising that the iraqis themselves have now made this their favorite daily past-time.
that's why we're the leaders of the western world.
because we know how to lead the way......
first you clear out those barbaric a nice house there....etc.

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