aaa What OS for budget AMD build? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: What OS for budget AMD build?

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-03  @  09:33 PM   -   What OS for budget AMD build?


Posts: 11

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I'm doing the budget PC build featured in the dt article 'building a budget pc' or whatever. Can anyone suggest which OS I should use?

I'm planning to use it primarily for mixing down to begin with, so I plan to use Sonar or something that hosts dx plugs.


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Message 11/13             30-Jan-03  @  08:31 PM   -   RE: What OS for budget AMD build?


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Message 12/13             31-Jan-03  @  01:18 AM   -   RE: What OS for budget AMD build?


Posts: 45

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"Ive never seen a system boot so fast as mine does! "

The true reason to run XP! hehe.

Who turns their computer off anymore? ;)


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Message 13/13             31-Jan-03  @  03:07 AM   -   RE: What OS for budget AMD build?


Posts: 4573

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I don't. It's a pain with ACPI disabled, my system won't turn itself off. Have to lean over behind the "gobo" and hold the damn power button for 6 seconds. So I don't do it.

But when I do, all I have to do is type "poop" and it turns back on! I love my computer.

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