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Subject: AW4416 or 02R

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Original Message                 Date: 21-May-01  @  02:52 PM   -   AW4416 or 02R

808 life

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so yhea this has likely poped up before, so I'll just make it quick, why is the 02r so much more expensif than the AW4416? (wich I thought was basicly a 02r w a HD recorder inside.. or a hdr w a 02r inside ... right now I'm leaning towards the aw4416 cos it will do everything right down to the cd burning... still a bit out of my price-range, but I'm always preparing for the future.. and this thing looks like a steel of the year on the s/h market ....

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Message 11/19             31-May-01  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


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Dude, Springsteen has released #1s that were recorded on a 4-track, and Ricky Martin's producers used a million dollar Pro Tools rig. You can do releasable stuff on a 1604, or less.


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Message 12/19             07-Jun-01  @  05:08 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


Posts: 53

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just a question (as usual).

the literature for the aw4416 states 'if you usuing mostly analogue equipment you won't need more than the 8 analogue ins'!!

why is this then??

i have so many modules with so many outputs are they implying i re-route cables as and when i need them.

my mixer at the moment has everything i can patched in but 8 analogue ins simply won't cut it?

i may be reading this wrong but can someone explain the process of the aw4416 and recording.
i'm new to recording workstations and need to see if this is what i want.

am i expected to record several signals at different times rather then all in one go??

i want to get into vocals so a workstation could be good but the midi side is a bit misunderstood by me.

can someone explain


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Message 13/19             07-Jun-01  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


Posts: 437

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That's a rather strange statement... Must be a typo.

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Message 14/19             11-Jun-01  @  07:21 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


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Are you actually going to record more than 8 analog ins at once? This thing IS a recorder, remember?


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Message 15/19             11-Jun-01  @  09:41 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


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I agree with craig (as always) but it would make more sense for an 8 track recorder to have at least 16 inputs that you could select for recording 8 at a time. Like the 01v with adat...

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Message 16/19             12-Jun-01  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


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exactly!! more inputs as standard would be so beneficial. 16 should be a standard on sch a machine.

if you notice all the other digital workstatuions only have 8 inputs with no expansin options. crap!!

anyway, it just seemed odd, altough it's a recorder that you can't do a 16 channel record at the same time, say designating which channels to record without repatching cables.

i usually have 6 channels just for drum hits. then breaks, stereo pads, panning sounds, vocals, etc. possibly all at once!!

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Message 17/19             12-Jun-01  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


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exactly!! more inputs as standard would be so beneficial. 16 should be a standard on sch a machine.

if you notice all the other digital workstatuions only have 8 inputs with no expansin options. crap!!

anyway, it just seemed odd, altough it's a recorder that you can't do a 16 channel record at the same time, say designating which channels to record without repatching cables.

i usually have 6 channels just for drum hits. then breaks, stereo pads, panning sounds, vocals, etc. possibly all at once!!

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Message 18/19             02-Jul-01  @  07:30 AM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


Posts: 1444

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You said it yourself, "it is a recorder". Get a patch bay, sync it to your seqeuncer, and do several passes. Why would you need to record 16 channels live when doing electronic music?

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Message 19/19             02-Jul-01  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: AW4416 or 02R


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they probably mean if using a mixer & outboard with 8 subgroups, routing the 8 subs permenently to the AW, thats how my Hoontech 8x8 rack is setup.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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