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Subject: US General to control oil in Iraq

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Oct-02  @  08:14 AM     Edit: 12-Oct-02  |  08:19 AM   -   US General to control oil in Iraq


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Now the the real US agenda for Iraq is coming out.

US plans military rule and occupation of Iraq

Here's a background to the US military buildup in the region here.

Hopefully, the inhabitanbts of the middle east will see this as the generous reaching out of a concerned democratic power and not a blatant grab for oil. Otherwise we could be in for a lot more terrorism eh? Still, cheney and bush no doubt will make a few $billion via their oil interests.

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Message 11/19             12-Oct-02  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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cant remember anymore, i´m certain its less then normal diesel, which is the whole point of using it in the first place. i also think you need a permission from the goverment or something.

if i could only remember what its called in german i´d find more information on it >:I

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Message 12/19             12-Oct-02  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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Robert Bennet Senator from Utah on the floor of the Senate on Wed. OCT 9th.

"If we were the British in the 1700s and 1800s presiding over the world, the grand scheme would be: How can we enhance and increase British Imperial power? If we were the Romans when they were the only superpower in that portion of the world they cared about, the only big picture item would be: How can we secure and extend the power of the Roman legions? But as President Bush makes this truly Presidential decision out of his gut, he has made it clear that the ultimate question he is asking, and we must ask with him, is, How will this expand the role of liberty throughout the world? That, as I say, is a standard I can follow. "

well now....isn't that just peachy??

It seems to me that this sums up pretty well the US position.


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Message 13/19             13-Oct-02  @  12:53 AM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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Liberty at the end of a laser-guided smart bomb

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Message 14/19             13-Oct-02  @  07:47 AM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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well who better to definte liberty? Hell, we invented liberty with our, um.... uh... refusal to uh... pay taxes on tea and stamps and things... uh, er....


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Message 15/19             14-Oct-02  @  08:55 AM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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yeah, and the UK invented democracy.. or was that the greeks?

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Message 16/19             14-Oct-02  @  09:33 AM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


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Is Al Gore a good man?

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Message 17/19             14-Oct-02  @  02:03 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq

Def Z


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As good as any major US party candidate can possibly be...

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Message 18/19             14-Oct-02  @  02:21 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq



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Al Gore actually was cast as the fifth and evil teletubby but lost by several votes.

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Message 19/19             14-Oct-02  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: US General to control oil in Iraq


Posts: 90

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Charlie your getting up my nose!

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