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Subject: conscientious people - can you help

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Original Message                 Date: 10-May-03  @  04:34 PM   -   conscientious people - can you help


Posts: 6231

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i'm going to be releasing my singing vst effect in the next few days and i'm pretty sure it's going to draw a fair amount of interest.. ie. i can see just about every kvrian downloading it even if they can't be bothered to program a phonym sequence (ie. writing one controller automation command for each phonym.)

i'm releasing it under a 'thinkware' license.. ie. in return for use, i'm going to ask people only to think..

following this statement i want to include a few, brief lines.. hopefully people will respect my 'ingenuity' (such as it is) enough to read, but of course this is going ot be in the middle of people's lives, so like maybe one or two sentences is all i dare...

i've worked out several statements.. asking people to take a moment to consider the freeware paradigm.. (in simpler words..)

other statements..

use this plug-in to create, and be inspired for further creations. resist the urge to be entertained by mass media.

we do not all agree that land is property. it is our only source of preservation and sustenance. by making the land into money, we are forced to survive by either working to cheat others of their money, or by condoning the methods they use.

no one needs to tell you about the things that are evident to us all. avoid people who believe they are informing you about god or cosmological things. behind this there is only some need to influence your perspective. without it there is only respect for each other's capacity for awareness.

et c. et c. (those are the best worded so far..) but thats a lot to expect people to see and even read the first line..

so, y'all conscionable peeple.. course i consider myself to have a fair amount of insight and to be a fairly skilled communicator, but i'm also aware that my skills could be improved, and that even my most broadcasted phrasing tends to deter a good number of people..

what can i say, in a very few words, that will help, now that i have this 'opportunity?'

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Message 11/19             11-May-03  @  03:32 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help

man called clay


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who am i?
a seeker.

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Message 12/19             11-May-03  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


Posts: 6231

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hunter-seeker more likely :p my ass looks like a pincushion already.

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Message 13/19             12-May-03  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help

man called clay


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xoxos.....i'm not taking you on. not in the least if that's what it appears like.
my pops died doing intelligence work so i understand a lot of where you're coming from.....i THINK~
and i certainly agree with you more than disagree. again...the differences are miniscule and academic.
in other words....i don't let them get in the way of that with which i agree.

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Message 14/19             12-May-03  @  07:38 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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i appreciate the thought, but sometimes, just sometimes.. it'd just be nice if i could like say something and everyone would just accept the making of statement without need for countering it.. ja, you're all thinktanks, roger copy.

it's going/gone public, there's no point in suggesting otherwise  

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Message 15/19             12-May-03  @  09:33 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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Xoxos, I suggest you put a blurb in prohibiting people from re-selling your creation. You wouldn't want some scumbag making money selling your code would you? I mean, since you're nice enough to not even make any money on it for yourself  

Sounds like an amazing bit of code, Sir!


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Message 16/19             12-May-03  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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no code, all synthedit, ergo, amazing bit of code  

there it is if you want to try it out (sorry for the cross posting.. who reads all the threads?  

this version is for logic, since i don't need to set up cc#s for the params in logic, and i don't know which cc#s are good to assign to effects so they won't conflict with vsti. if someone tells me what cc#s they want, i'll make you one.

sorry, no demo yet. tired of it.. gui file got bug, had to rebuild..

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Message 17/19             13-May-03  @  09:31 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help



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"told me that some of my ancestors were huguenots"

same here bro' - join the club (my Granny did) - there is something called 'the huguenot society' which you can join as a descendant - mad protestants   - mind you, she was bonkers... a MENSA card-holding eccentric! - bloody immigrants!  

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Message 18/19             13-May-03  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


Posts: 6231

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it'd make more sense to make stupid people carry cards instead of burdening the intelligent people  

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Message 19/19             15-May-03  @  08:56 AM     Edit: 15-May-03  |  08:57 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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Or just give 'em all a bunch of fireworks and several gallons of gasoline.

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