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Subject: Software VS Hardware

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Mar-01  @  08:03 PM   -   Software VS Hardware


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I'm doing a report for the local university about the strengths and weeknesses of using either software or hardware or a combination in your studio. That is basing your studio on either software or hardware.

I would appreciate all thoughts on this topic! Please don't say "Software sucks" or something like that. Tell me WHY it sucks. WHY doesn't it sound/act like hardware? Will software close up on hardware once the computers can start handeling more and more voices/realtime effects?


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Message 11/48             16-Mar-01  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware

Defector Z


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PC's are unreliable. Without question. Lug a pc to a gig? Fuck no. Garbage.

As far as sound goes, there are lots of emulators outthere. What do they emulate? The real thing. There is DEFINITELY a place for a PC in a studio, for both writing, as well as producing, but there are too many variables with a pc. S/w is not necessarily cheaper than h/w because people fail to take into account the cost of the computer. Plus, in order to run your new software programs, you'll consistantly need to upgrade your hardware. That means doing the footwork to make sure that all of your components will work together. That is time away from writing and/or producing music. It's an economic phenomenon called "opportunity cost".

I have found my hardware to be FAR more reliable than my computer. Computers crash, freeze, cease to operate on a regular basis. Getting all the components to work right together is time away from making music, and you need to do everytime you add or subtrack something from your setup. I have NEVER (knock on wood) lost music with hardware. I lost a year and halfs work on HD that died. (Yeah, my fault for not backing up, but again, more time and expense).

Software sequencing is great because the drag and drop is simple. I found that I got lazy with this, though. Because it was so easy, I found myself taking shortcuts, rather than challenging myself to do something new. I can't imagine trying to WRITE music on a computer, as there aren't any knobs to twist, no sliders to slide, and no wheels to bend. True, there are some new, cheaper alternatives (I think Event has the new EZ-bus that I think is not too expensive - around $500 US I think?), and more and more companies are trying to develop hands on interfaces to the computer to replace the mouse. Which is great news.

Another thing that is rarely mentioned, but I think is important is that the sound of your software synth is only as good as your audio card. With hardware, you know what sound you are going to get, from one unit to another. Manufacturers are aware of this. However, if you have a cheap noisy soundcard, with a small frequency response range, you're synths are going to sound different. Maybe it's negligable, and most people won't notice, but real affectionados certainly will.

I do use my PC, but mostly to arrange, and sample. Most of my writing takes place on my hardware, and then I do the arranging and production on the PC. There is a place for both, and there are disadvantages, as well as advantages to both.

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Message 12/48             16-Mar-01  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware

and another thing..


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Check around the forums and compare all the s/w problem related questions to all the hardware problem related questions. That should tell you SOMETHING.

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Message 13/48             16-Mar-01  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware


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I would check around the forums, but my time is a bit limited. I prefer having all or most of the information I want to use gathered in one place if possible. If I need more except from own knowledge and this, I will have to do that though.

Thanks again for your answers!

My experience with hardware is a little bit limited. Haven't even touched a real mixer. All I own is a midi keyboard and a mc-303. The mc-303 is gathering dust in one of the closets now.

Thinking about buying a Novation - Nova within a year or maybe two, so this information isn't only because of that report. I played around with a nova at a local music store a while ago. Thought it sounded great compared to the software used back then.

Is it easier to make everything sound good when you use hardware synths and effects? I got that feeling anyway.

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Message 14/48             16-Mar-01  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware



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Don't have time for a cursory look through the forums to look at some of the SPECIFIC issues people have? You can get specific information about the problems people have. Would you prefer that we write your paper for you? How about we head to the library and grab some books for you. News flash asshole, life DOESN'T PUT ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION IN ONE PLACE for you. Get used to doing some homework. I knew plenty of people like you at uni, and they fucking pissed me off. Fuck off asshole.

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Message 15/48             16-Mar-01  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware


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jesus christ!!! why start calling names like that.

look..its time people start thinkin in terms of real life here. physical proximity...

would you, manik, call someone asshole that quickly if he were right in front of you, then tell him to fuck off, simply because he was looking for a little info in the most convenient format?

I really doubt it. So much shit gets talked here and most of you are just 17-20 year old geeks who think theyre hard cuz they listen to hard jungle or techno or whatever, and youre totally safe because youre behing a keyboard and screen and not face to face

think about it.

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Message 16/48             16-Mar-01  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware



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Dude, you've no idea what you're talking about. You wanna jump in and help the guy? I don't see any help in your post. He gets pointed to a wealth of information, yet can't bother to get specifics WHEN THEY ARE RIGHT HERE.

I'm not going to get into it with you Influx, but uni boy there needs a kick in the ass. Who's acting tough? I'm sorry, I don't see any posturing here. How about some help for him then, eh?

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Message 17/48             16-Mar-01  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware


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Manik: I'm asking for opinions not where to find information.

To make things a bit more clear. I'm not taking any music related course at all. Just doing the report for MYSELF and a few selected people.

I've looked through the forums before and have learned lots. If you don't want to help then just please shut up.

Sorry all if my english isn't good enough for you. If you feel like snapping at people who get their sentences and definitions wrong now and then, then please choose another topic.

I'm just basically checking my own knowledge and some NICE people have actually HELPED me to do that. I know a lot more on what to base my report on than before I posted the original message.

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Message 18/48             16-Mar-01  @  07:59 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware


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Do you want to waste more of my time on giving you the whole story or is this enough for you?

I just don't feel like arguing right now and I don't have the time.

"yet can't bother to get specifics"

I didn't give any specifics on purpose because I'n not sure what to include yet. The things people (and me) feel are the most important differences will probably be included.

Just like I expected, people mentioned differences in price, reliability, costs for keeping your computer updated, lack of knobs and sliders and stuff for computers, hard to bring a computer to a gig, etc etc

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Message 19/48             16-Mar-01  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware


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so you call him an asshole and tell him to fuck off.

sounds pretty level headed to me

as for my take? I dont like software. Ive used softsynths and hate clicking mouses(sic) and all that shit...

BUT...SW sequencing is the bees knees for complexity! Trying to do the shit I do in cubase, on a HW sequencer would take HOURS longer than it does.

then theres damballahs many of us can afford a tube compressor/limiter/parametric EQ? not too many..but you can buy T-racks for what $250?

so as far as processing goes, SW is definitely more cost effective...

to me there is something about HANDLING just feels more right.

and Ive never had any of my hardware crash, except for a couple stuck notes on the virus, which really isnt that big of a deal

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Message 20/48             16-Mar-01  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: Software VS Hardware


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Oh... By the way. People have told me that there aren't any really good software compressors. Is that true?

I haven't had a chance to use a "real" one yet. But I hope that I will get one soon.

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