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Subject: shall we.......

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Original Message                 Date: 16-May-02  @  09:06 PM   -   shall we.......


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start a genre section?.... a basic text for each and people can nominate tracks in each page which appear?.. (pref' somehow with audio examples) ??


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/27             19-May-02  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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I say no to genres. I think that divides us. We are individuals, but we all have the common goal of trying to move others regardless of our interpretation of sound and aesthetic. At the heart of it, It's ALL Electronic Dance Music, and putting names on each type is jsut for DJs and folks too ignorant, disrespectful, or time pressed to listen to each piece and recognize the individuality. It also reflects our 'throw-away' attitude toward our own pieces and others'. Perhaps more time should be taken on each piece, giving it more identity and signiture, as well as value, rather than this acquiesense to mass-consumerist pressures. Smaller releases of higher quality, and more craftsmanship in each piece over simple-minded uncaring audiences. It's time for a change. Time to make folks see us as the innovators and heroes that we are, rather than the faceless tools for DJs to use to their benefit/glory and our poverty/ignominy. Perhaps it is time to get people more interested in what is happening musically and physically so that folks ask 'when are you playing?' rather than 'Are you a DJ? When are you spinning?'. Then a gain, maybe I'm just the fucked up one, and you folks LIKE being shat upon. Count me out of the genres game. I make wierd electronic noises, and some folks like to dance to it. That's all I ever say when folks ask me what I do. Other than that I am a MUSICIAN, period. I'm not a Junglist, or techno-head or any of that. That shit's for closed-minded assholes, losers, and fuck-ups as far as I'm concerned. The worlds physical and musical are both bigger than that.


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Message 12/27             19-May-02  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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you can count me out of the musician game, i'm a creative being. and out of the physical game, music especially trancends physics.

but since nobody's going to get with that except maybe nobody, i vote for putting what pongoid said somewhere on a plaque.

somebody do something about all these stupid people around me please.

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Message 13/27             19-May-02  @  10:40 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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small caliber firearms are generally most efficient....

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Message 14/27             19-May-02  @  11:14 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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The genres thing though, I dunno. My own take is that I hate genres, BUT they provide a means to search certain things out. I'd really hate to crawl through a bunch of breaks if I was only after house or whatnot.... Sure, some stuff will cross lines, and no, lines aren't necessary or desired on many levels. Still, it's a useful tool, especially for anyone that is or is going to be dealing with anything on the commercial side of things....

I can't see it hurting anything. Folks who dunna want to see it dunna have to use the forum. And, there's obviously a lot of folks that are curious about genres. Whether "we" all appreciate genres or not is really unimportant, genres ARE a part of the scene so I dunna see the harm in having a forum about them.

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Message 15/27             20-May-02  @  04:32 AM   -   RE: shall we.......


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They area part of the scene as long as we leave them in place, or support using them.


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Message 16/27             20-May-02  @  07:50 AM   -   RE: shall we.......


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well...damn..IM not that gung ho about it...

just wonder how you tell someone what you sound like if you dont have a CD and/or player handy?

"my tunes go 'boom chikka bap chikka chikka boom a tempo usually between 128 and 135 or so, and I tend to use heavier sounding basslines....blah blah blah"


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Message 17/27             20-May-02  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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You don't tell them what you sound like. You tell them where to find it, where they can buy the records if they want vinyl, and where you're playing next. You make music because you can't convey the message any other way. If they want to hear your message, they HAVE to listen to the music. If they don't want to make the effort, then fuck 'em anyhow, cuz they aren't even worth talking to at that point.


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Message 18/27             20-May-02  @  02:30 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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i gotta side with pongoid on this, there's a loss in anima by buying into a scheme.

same way you describe a painting. if someone doesn't know the names of colours you can't expect them to understand that. if someone can't grasp the terms you use to reflect ideas or emotions you associate with the forms, that won't work either.

but it'd be nice if more people were more familiar with these specific vocabularies than the the pertinent only to the market system.

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Message 19/27             20-May-02  @  08:01 PM     Edit: 20-May-02  |  08:05 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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"there's a loss in anima by buying into a scheme."

Like what you're sayin' isn't? It's all a scheme, whether it's your's, some commercial corp, or the consumer on the street. If you don't want to "buy" into it, don't. It dunna mean anyone else should follow your lead (unless that's their own take, too.), nor does it mean you have to follow anyone else's. No choice just equates to a kind of censorship. If you don't want to participate, don't. I just think people that do want that should have it available. What are you scared of afterall?

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Message 20/27             20-May-02  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: shall we.......


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You know... after thinking about it. You're right.... No genres.

How's it go..? Long live our insect overlords....

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