aaa Analog buffs on the Andromeda - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Analog buffs on the Andromeda

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Original Message                 Date: 19-May-02  @  07:49 AM   -   Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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alright i think i have read almost everything ever written on this synth, but i still have time to ponder more people's opinions. Those of you who live sleep and breath analog lemme know: i want a synth that can be aggressive, soulful, phat, warm, nauseously dissonant, crazy, and graceful at the same time. i have heard that the andromeda is all these things and more. but i have also heard the quips that it has loose knobs, that the early O.S has bugs, that the presets are abyssmal, that the fx are worthless...but i still need to make a decision. i am looking t buy an incredible synth, and need a good controller too. if i were to get one for 2200 bucks, should i do it? give me better alternatives if you dont think i should do it. i have already been told that i should just get a nord modular and a sherman filterbank, or a virus and maybe a sid station...i have alot of options. tell me what you think.

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Message 11/27             24-May-02  @  07:07 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda



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I want the matrix-12!

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Message 12/27             26-May-02  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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I checked some threads on harmony central from way back, and the matrix 12, and I am assuming the xpanader, can be configured to have up to 6 zones on one channel so you can play 6 parts on one controler, or set it up to assign a diferant channel to each voice(up to 6) and to it's own out. Pretty amazing for a synth that old.

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Message 13/27             11-Jun-02  @  06:03 AM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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Message 14/27             11-Jun-02  @  06:14 AM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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well i ended up getting the andromeda and boy am i glad i did. dont get me wrong, i think the sound of an actual oberheim or moog is fantastic, but i want something more up to date and portable. besides, the andromeda can easily emulate some of the sounds of those aforementioned synths. As far as comparing the andromeda to a virus, that is like comparing a palm pilot to a solar powered calculator. the virus is a great synth, but it just does not have the capability and limitless capacity of the andromeda. with something like 115 modulation ports all routable to one another, coupled with the ability to stack each patch on top of one another, mixing them individually, this synth is unstopible.
granted alot of these moogs and oberheims have their own idiosyncratic feel and sound, which is the main reason to buy one, but the andromeda has its own sound too. anyone deep into programming should check out the A6. if you want amazing envelopes, the andromeda has those too. 7 stages, attack, decay1, decay2,delay, sustain, release1, release2, with level knobs for decay 1 and release 1. three modulation ports per envelope, and all three envelopes with dedicated knobs, you cant beat that. the A6 is amazing compared to what people make it out to be.

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Message 15/27             11-Jun-02  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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Like I said to their guy when he came round trying to promo the A6 - make it £999 quid and yes it'll sell... It's WAY overpriced.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 16/27             12-Jun-02  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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one thing to point out, the Virus has a digital emuation that uses interpolation methods to create a cv style continuos signal to and from controlers. So smoothing is possible. On the andromeda, you have the steps so common on midi stepped potentiometers controling analog circuits.

I think $1900 us would do it for me. $999 is pushing it. The thing has 50lbs of custom made guts in it.

As for being portable. The xpander was pretty damn small in comparison to an andromerda. You need a fork lift to gig it!

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Message 17/27             13-Jun-02  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda



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i thought it was all motorola chipped?

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Message 18/27             13-Jun-02  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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the chips are custom from what micheal told us a while back. The one motorola chip does all the operations of the operating system but still somhow retains a vco instead of a dco. But I remeber him specificaly saying they licensed the design of the moog filter to make the custom filter chips. 16 I think? I'll run a search and pull it up. He mentioned it being the first product produced by a possible new business unit "Alesis Semi-Conductor". And they had intentions of makeing chips for other things.

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Message 19/27             13-Jun-02  @  08:01 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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here is what I brought up

“It's not a rumor. Dr. Moog met with Alesis CEO Keith Barr about the project at it's inception and gave us his blessing to use the Modular 921b oscillator and 904a lowpass filter circuitry, and the Andromeda oscillators and Filter 2 are directly based upon those. There were changes to accomodate the VLSI process which in itself altered the tone a bit, but there is certainly a recognizable "Moog" tone to it.
By the way, it's begun shipping in limited quantities, which will quickly ramp up in numbers. The current issue of German Keyboards magazine has some audio examples of it.”

“We're using the Coldfire 5307. It outputs control signals to each analog parameter, as you would expect. I'd like to share more, but I'm not allowed  

so the cold fire is the controler and engine for the operations, but the rest is custom , filters osc etc.

the conversation I had with Peake was that there were 16 custom filter chips and osc as well. May have been an e-mail he sent me or on Sonic State.

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Message 20/27             14-Jun-02  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: Analog buffs on the Andromeda


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Comparing a Virus to an Andromeda is NOT like comparing a solar calculator to a palm pilot. I own a Virus, and a Nord Lead, and have played the Andromeda. I'd say more like comparing a Porsche 911 Carrera and a Ferrari 360 Modena. The 360 is a little bit faster than the 911, but it's also $50k more. In return, you get a little more speed, a bit of exclusivity, and a real prancing horse on the nose.

Yes, the Andromeda has a more flexible mod matrix (so does the Q, compared to the Virus). Yes it's real analog. But it's not so much better that it blows off the Virus, or the Q. If the two were priced exactly the same, it'd be a tough decision for me.

These are just my opinions having played all the synths I've talked about. Your mileage may vary. I hope you are thrilled with the Andromeda - for that kind of money it should make you coffee in the morning and blow you before bed ;)


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