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Subject: The New American Century

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Oct-02  @  08:43 AM   -   The New American Century


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Jeb Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney et al.

Read and weep... the american right's agenda for the world ... from 1997 to present day.

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Message 11/23             17-Oct-02  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: The New American Century



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which is a terrible kind of blathering.

Nothing could be so bad for the Earth as all out war between America and China!


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Message 12/23             17-Oct-02  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: The New American Century



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space is big

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Message 13/23             17-Oct-02  @  01:49 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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hahahah, charlie... spot on  

lets blow ourselves to bits


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Message 14/23             17-Oct-02  @  02:58 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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I'm still not anywhere near done thinking on this one, however certain thoughts do come to mind.

One of those being the fact that life has to grow, or die. There are very few organisms that can remain in stasis. It just doesn't work, unless you're some sort of microbe. Even creatures that sleep for incredibly long periods, either have to grow at some point, and multiply or they die. That is nature. It's irrefutable.

We have come to the point in our evolution where thoughts and philosophies have become an integral factor in the success/viability of the organism. The abilities to relate to one another, communicate, and process information in specific manners and at certain speeds have become critical to this organism's survival in its current environment and state.

Bio-diversity is also essential for survial of all life, save silicon-based.

Just some semi-random thoughts to consider.

Now, a few questions. I am asking these without having the answers, so please feel fre to reply.

Ok, imagine this: Bush is ousted, Blair is ousted, Hussein stays, Zemin stays, no military action in the middle or far east. Then what?
Is everybody going to be happy? Are we going to imagine that it's all water under the bridge and these folks will just keep building these weapons, and all of a sudden everybody will just get along as good neighbors, and nobody will expand beyond its borders anymore, ever? Will we all suddenly fall under one banner of peace and prosperity? and if that's the case, prosperity for whom? You only prosper if somebody else suffers, somewhere.

Next scenario: The UN somehow approves of the assasination of Hussein, and then puts in some interim UN guided government, and heavy sanctions are brought against China for it's participation in the production of said weapons as well as North Korea. Then what? The US is given free reign to just dominate the world, and exploit all of its inhabitants futher, with Europe licking up its table scraps? The US backs off, and the EEC manages to get a serious foothold on the exploitation of the planet?

Next scenario: MAJOR catastrophe, nuclear, biological, or xenomorphic in nature, decimating the vast majority of the planet's population, leaving us to try to start over from the ashes if there is anybody left, and we are anything more than fodder for some other organism?

Just think about this stuff real hard before answering, and please don't hand me some religious faith related bullshit, but ideas based on the real movements of the maths and logic that make up the progressions of reality. Thanks for your time. Good luck to us all, because I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that there has to be a better way than any of these scenarios, and I know we are capable of more, but to realize that potential will require action that is currently beyond the scope of my comprehension with the information available.


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Message 15/23             17-Oct-02  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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I see the third as what we're heading for.

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Message 16/23             17-Oct-02  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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Zazza "what's even scarier is that stuff from this site is being written right into the white house policy documents almost word for word.. " - OK so who here is working for the US policy dept? Seriously.., that's scary - I mean, musicians running the world!

Isn't it the UN charter to reduce the number of standing armies globally, could be another one, anyway really just an excuse to dine around the world.

I know you guys know but it's all just diversion, "what those busy(nosey) people want us to look at now". I find "Isn't that Elvis over there..." just as effective but perhaps not so long lasting erm... Minty fresh. Garp would say "pre-disastered" Gill Heron maybee "the tiger in your tank or the tngngng in your toilet bowl"

Pongoid, Progress, progress round... Read a SF book where the topic is attempt to expoit anciant simple insect (overlord ahh) meteroid. The story is that it develops intelligence in response to attempted attach, the point is that intelligence is NOT a survival trait.

Your Q’s
1. “these folks will just keep building these weapons” the ‘other side seems to think so”
2. That’s what the Euro is for. Do you think the US is missing the cold war and an opponent
3. Whats the Q
4. Overall comments. All will happen, our vote and selves are nothing. This is a thought experiment before. I think that if you look at the major efforts and choose 1 and work against that then the whole thing could collapse. Ask a question, does the answer answer the question, if not - ask the question. There is much spin everywhere but we have common words and common understanding. Common sense anyone?

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Message 17/23             17-Oct-02  @  11:24 PM   -   RE: The New American Century



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Hey I read that one Cheddar. Was that in a Bruce Sterling book?

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Message 18/23             18-Oct-02  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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yes. apparently everybody has read it :P

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Message 19/23             18-Oct-02  @  12:43 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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i haven't.. is it worth reading?

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Message 20/23             18-Oct-02  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: The New American Century


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isn't that the guy who did the twilight zone, or was that Rod steiger

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