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Subject: guns

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Oct-02  @  04:59 AM   -   guns


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Just saw a trailer for Michael Moore's new movie "Bowling for Columbine." It's all about guns in America and it got me thinking. Why are guns such a problem in America? How 'sacred' is the second amendment?

Personally, I don't think guns serve any purpose but to kill. You can target shoot without lethal potential and you can kill animals without firepower. I don't like the government telling us what we can and cannot own, but I really don't see the need for guns in any society.

I'm curious what you guys think. Do we need guns? Would it make a noticeable social impact to outlaw guns? I think it may... more than waiting for the average American psyche to evolve.

Quoting Linda Richomond, "Twalk amongst yahselves"

I love the smell of stirred shit.


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Message 11/147             18-Oct-02  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: guns


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guns and nukes are not the same, dude.

Check out the news. At the rate things are going, Moore's gonna have his dream come true, cuz while you have him throwing it out, you've got those fucking scumbags in the government unleashing that sniper to get the public to okay these illegal arms sweeps from the ATF and even stricter fucking laws. Yes that's right. I said it's the government behind this. You think this timeing is coincidence? That it's happening in DC is coincindence? That this guy is pulling some hollywood bullshit with tarot cards is for anything other than hype? That uncle sam's trying to show you how he was right for installing all of that big brother camera bullshit? Look at it. Look at it real good. This is a fucking set-up, and it's either the FBI, the BATF, or another agency or anti-gun lobbying group behind this. This is not random, and it's just one guy involved here, much these folks try to make it seem.

Don't worry Errata, you're dream's coming true anyhow. I didn't like getting shot, and I've never shot anybody else, but I will NEVER give up my arms as long as arms exist and are needed anywhere.


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Message 12/147             18-Oct-02  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: guns



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I'm getting the feeling we're not having the same conversation, or I'm getting confused for someone else, here!


The kids with the conch this go around would do it! I'm sure, I think they were complicit in the WTC bombing and I'd not be the slightest bit surprised if they're complicit in that nefarious sh*t either! I'm confident these nasty old f*ckers would do it just to justify the further deterioration of our rights. It's the approach to tyranny in a democracy. Social events must spur the populace to approve of dictatorial activity! And I'll bet it works.

Not sure which dream is coming true, yo! Our culture is about as f*cked up right now as it's been in a LONG time.

I do not want to disarm you... nor anyone else. If it were possible to disarm everyone... permanently I'd say it bears looking at but that's a pipe dream! Besides, if you took away guns we'd go back to swords, sticks and fists! It's the human attitude that needs to change! And I agree that it doesn't look too likely!

Where did you get the idea that I had a different opinion than this? I'm fairly consistant (I think) in my posts! I've never supported any of this crap!!!


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Message 13/147             18-Oct-02  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: guns


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The answer is more guns, obviously.... and maybe free full body armour for all us citizens...

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Message 14/147             18-Oct-02  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: guns



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i would say honestly, there is no good answer! I'd love to see disarmament. But if the cops had all the guns it'd be ugly. I don't know enough about the rest of the world to say, but here in America the police are bad ENOUGH!

Maybe this is where I gave the unrealistic impression of me: I would NOT kill a person who wanted to kill me! I would not KILL a person who was harming a loved one, UNLESS there was NO other option. And then only because My very personal feeling is that neither the victim nor the agressor deserve the results of their actions. And I'd prefer to be the one who must answer for the ramifications of that violence than it being someone else.

I would not want to hamper the rights of others to take a different course of action in dealing with that kind of unreasonable situation!


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Message 15/147             18-Oct-02  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: guns


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See it's really tough for me. I don't like government getting in the way of things and telling us what we can and can't own or do (i.e. drugs). But guns are a vicious cycle that serves no positive purpose. The only things that justify their existence are fear and the apparent hopelessness of it all. If those defined all our social policies we'll be in sad shape, wouldn't we?

Sure if you outlawed guns only criminals would get them. But that supply would eventually run out if it were illegal to manufacture guns. And if you're concerned about your own safety in a tough world, there are many non-lethal alternatives to guns. Many of them would be an effective defense against an attack. Police are already using these tools, and I don't see why they couldn't replace guns eventually.

I certainly don't have the answer, but I think we can all agree that a world without guns would be a better place. It's hard to know where to start but we should at least try, no?


and I'd probably be the pussy who gets killed and whose wife was raped by the guy with the gun. I'd fight with all I got but I don't know if I could kill him. Killing's probably a lot harder than you think it is.

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Message 16/147             18-Oct-02  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: guns



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yeah, a world without guns would be a better place. But a life that didn't require eating would mean no one would be hungry. I think it's not possible to COMPLETELY remove all guns from the picture. So i think as a tool there's no argument! Our govenrment is getting dangerously close to looking like a dictatorship. The only thing, I think... preventing the current administration from complete bald faced takeover of the process (they've already come very close to this) is the fear that the people won't go for it! That we'll riot and force them out of power! The american military has been testing the use of Soma derivitives for mass spraying on crowds. They explained this to the world as an "internal" issue, because it's development was for use in riot situations domesticaly.

What do you think these f*ckers would do if they knew the population wouldn't fight back?!


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Message 17/147             18-Oct-02  @  03:28 AM   -   RE: guns


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I'm really sorry, man. It's psylichon I should have been addressing. My bad. Please accept m appoligies. Misdirected comments. My sentiments still stand, just not directed towrds you.

Ape <---DUHHH!

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Message 18/147             18-Oct-02  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: guns


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I kinda thought you were talking to me.

Yeah well i've never seen Michael Moore's shows or read any of his books but I know who he is and what he does and his new movie got me thinking.

'Programming' it is not. somebody should be talking about this shit.


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Message 19/147             18-Oct-02  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: guns


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no shit! I was about to call you on that, but you caught it yourself

psylichon..thing is..the powers that be will NEVER give up guns

dont fall victim for that "make it illegal and it will go away" BULLSHIT!

THEY have em, so WE need em

and yes, I would put a hole in someones head for MANY reasons. I know I'm a rational person, and if I felt that I was justified in doing so, I wouldnt hesitate.

I dont think Id feel too good about it, but much better than I would feel DEAD, or having allowed someone to get raped or maimed or the like.

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Message 20/147             18-Oct-02  @  04:28 AM   -   RE: guns


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But where does that logic end? They have chemical weapons, should we? They have nukes. Man, a nuke would look wicked cool next to my Nova, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

There's lots of ways to kill someone quickly. Even at a distance. Why are guns so necessary? Why can't we make do with bows and arrows or something?


I'm only half kidding

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