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Subject: midiman 2496 problem

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Jan-03  @  09:33 AM   -   midiman 2496 problem


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Hey guys, I'm in big trouble here. It's my new Audiophile 2496. I'll describe how it went...

I got a P4/2Ghz, 512 DDR, and a Gigabyte GA-8IG motherboard (845 chipset). Besides the Audiophile I have only the network and the graphics card in my computer. I run Win2K with SP3, but the same problem persists on XP. So, I installed the card on the mobo, booted the OS, it found the soundcard, I installed the drivers, I haven't tried playing anything but the mixer was working and I could access the audiophile control panel.

Ok, destiny wanted that I uninstall the drivers and install them again (don't ask why), and from here my card doesn't work anymore. The OS doesn't even detect it, it detects it as unknown pci device. I tried switching PCI slots, taking away the network card, I tried stuff in BIOS, and nothing. Yesterday I freshly installed XP on a new HDD and I thought maybe it will detect now as the OS is clean and new, and the disk formatted... nothing. It detected it once after 10 attempts, found the drivers, everything perfect, and at the end of the driver installation said that he can't startup the hardware. So nothing again. I would think about returning the card IF it didn't work fine the first time and I was actually fiddling with the audiophile control panel and I heard some loud hiss because I got something wrong with the setup, but still, there was sound output from the card (damn! haven't played any music before uninstaling). Now the control panel doesn't work anymore... nothing works anymore.

Please help, I'm desperate.

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Message 11/27             18-Jan-03  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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Hehe, old days with jumpers are very well known to me. I've been doing that back in old year 1994 I think when I got my first 486  

Thing is with his card, that as you said, it's probably incompatible. Changing a mobo would also probably solve the problem.

Only one thing: audiophile doesn't have any jumpers, so far I know.


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Message 12/27             18-Jan-03  @  02:22 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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No, it won't have jumpers.
Changing the main board is hardly an acceptable solution tho is it.

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Message 13/27             18-Jan-03  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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wait a minute here, do you have ACPI enabled in the BIOS? If so, I would bet that's your problem. It seems once XP is set up on a mobo with ACPI enabled, it's impossible to turn ACPI off, and it can cause problems like what you're describing here (or solve them, depending on who you are apparently).

The reason I know this is because I recently had my motherboard replaced by a computer shop (would have done it myself, but troubleshooting time and laziness was a factor in this case). When I got it back home, I noticed they had changed the order of my PCI cards and all the BIOS settings were at default (including ACPI being enabled). Well, XP apparently saw it as a new motherboard because of that (even though it's the exact same model as what I had before) and set it up with ACPI in mind. I put my cards back in their proper order (necessary due to IRQ sharing with the IDE controller and AGP), put things back one at a time, but for the life of me could not get rid of the little yellow exclamation point from hell.

Obviously, simply disabling ACPI was not enough. I had to do that, and THEN Ghost over an old image of my last OS backup when ACPI was disabled. Then it worked just like before.

Long story short, check out that ACPI shit. It can be a bitch.


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Message 14/27             18-Jan-03  @  06:05 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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You are supposed to have ACPI enabled in XP/2K. It isn't shit, the card drivers are shit if they can't operate under ACPI. Alot of systems won't shut down properly with it disabled and alot of machines won't operate without it e.g. windows will not run on my dual CPU systems with ACPI disabled.

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Message 15/27             18-Jan-03  @  06:35 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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just giving my experience and what worked for me. Take it like you would 2 cents.



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Message 16/27             18-Jan-03  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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Nah sorry man, wasn't tryin to put you down, it's just you shouldn't have to do work arounds like that which stop other stuff working properly just cuz the card manufacturers didn't write the drivers properly. If thats what you gotta do, thats what you gotta do but I'd take my card back before I had to do something like that.

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Message 17/27             19-Jan-03  @  03:19 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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To ACPI or not to ACPI. I've installed more than just one computer with ACPI, and on each it worked more than just well. Though, ACPI aparently presents a problem in the case like psylichon's. There's always exception to the rule...(now, we ARE talking Microsoft here!)  

I would not suspect ACPI in this case, since obviously the card isn't even being detected after rebooting.

Confidential source tells me that he tried his card in two another machines, and that it just had the same problem - so, we all know now that he should search very veeeery hard to find his bill! :o)

Greetings, Kosta

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Message 18/27             19-Jan-03  @  08:49 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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could it be as simple as remnants in the registry?

just a comment, but I have my XP setup in standard PC mode...and havent had any probs

kinda wonderin why thats commonly suggested everywhere Ive read for audio setups...

lets you manually set IRQs, no?

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Message 19/27             19-Jan-03  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem


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yeah, and thats what i've been suggesting. but if 3 different pc's cant install it properly, thats more suspicious, no? i mean, audiophile is one of the most trouble-free soundcards around as far as i know.

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Message 20/27             19-Jan-03  @  01:37 PM   -   RE: midiman 2496 problem



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Kosta: ACPI is funny, don't think you can really diagnose a problem as being ACPI or not unless you've actually found it yourself (if you get me). I certainly wouldn't have expected not to even be able to INSTALL 2K on a dual CPU machine without ACPI on, but thats the way it is.

Anywho I think take the thing back is the conclusion on this one  Be nice to know whats going on tho.

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