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Subject: This motherfuker is hell bound -

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Mar-03  @  05:36 PM   -   This motherfuker is hell bound -



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Hahahaha - straight to hell bitch!

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Message 11/23             09-Mar-03  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -

man called clay


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not only joy....but just pure ugly language/hate combinations and is a reflection of the source from which he is derived.
and the source to which he returns.

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Message 12/23             09-Mar-03  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -


Posts: 118

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It's nice to see educated people on here like Steve. Too many people are educated by television and mass media, I think we can all agree on that. Not just Americans either, although this is where the majority of ignorance I see comes from. But Steve, along with myself, have been able to hear the stories from the mouths of the persecuted. Believe me, the real mid-east tragedies can be fully understood by just listening to the stories of the people who have suffered. Pray for peace........

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Message 13/23             09-Mar-03  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -


Posts: 673

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we are all programmed, some comply some rebel, same stimulus, maybe this is better off in the free will discussion.

About Isreal, hedgemony, hedgemony, hedgemony just with an adopted big brother

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Message 14/23             09-Mar-03  @  07:43 PM     Edit: 09-Mar-03  |  07:44 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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"we are all programmed"

Yep. Overused (and often misused, especially Politically) term, but undeniable. That is how all inteligent (as in, but not exclusively, cats, peacocks and dugongs) creatures of this planet work.

But it doesn't excuse the common reluctance to make use of the ability to learn, which is an all too frustrating characteristic of those who have such an ability.



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Message 15/23             09-Mar-03  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -


Posts: 673

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i despair also of the awful obvious repition in this (see justification for most any violent action anywhere) and the oppression of history, but once they have the levers they work pretty hard to make sure they stay well greased, as well as the usual propoganda.

I do have to say that given the US's HUGE military machine, commercial/political overbearance and the dillema of obesely well 'breaded and circussed' sheepfarm masses and the 'lost child' type blind obeyance to the title of 'nation' (I mean when did everyone get there?, who did they kick out to be there? what is an Armerican?). This T shirt of terror story chils me to the bone

I would like to think that common decent purpose (or at least sense) can exist in politics/etc but influence (like money) only exists when it is moving around. In the end I have to play apathy, i leave it alone and (perhaps) it leaves me alone. I used to care.

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Message 16/23             09-Mar-03  @  09:45 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -

man called clay


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File?:  No file just aren't in a place to go about manifesting this caring in ways that are tangibly result-oriented.
neither are most of us.
there's something to be said for laying low.
the t-shirt charges were dropped to take away bad press from the limelight of the hun......
whilst murder and mayhem occur in places where fewer cameras exist.
the methodry will be one not unfamiliar to the reigning family: covert operations.
and no...the bush daughters won't be going to the gulf either.
something to be said for laying low.

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Message 17/23             09-Mar-03  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -



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One has to think that the Israeli raids would stop once the terrorist would cease trying to influence politcal minds by killing innocent children.

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Message 18/23             09-Mar-03  @  10:32 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Pardon?!? Have you been reading the Daily Mail or something?!? That kind of idea could only come from such a paper.

Do you have any idea of what is going on there? You do realise that it is the Palestinians home land that they are fighting for?! The homeland that the Israelis are trying to take from them!



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Message 19/23             09-Mar-03  @  10:38 PM     Edit: 09-Mar-03  |  11:28 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Read This:

Children killed in the intifada:

September 30 2000 Mohammed al-Durrah, 12, killed when he and his father are caught in Israeli soldiers' gunfire while returning from a shopping trip in Gaza.

September 30 Israeli security forces shoot dead a Palestinian boy, 14, in clashes with stone-throwing gangs.

October 1 Samir Tabangi, 10, dies after being caught in gunfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen in Nablus.

October 1 Two-year old Palestinian girl, Sara al-Haq, killed when Jewish settlers fire on her father's car as they are returning from hospital.

October 4 Mohammed Abu Aasi, 13, dies after being shot by Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

October 10 Sami Abu Jazar, nine, shot in head by Israeli troops in Rafah in Gaza.

October 21 Palestinian boy, Omar al-Deheisi, 15, shot dead by Israeli troops in Gaza.

October 22 Palestinian Wael Imad, 14, shot dead by Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

November 5 Palestinian youth, 16, dies after being shot by Israeli troops

November 10 Palestinian boy, 15, shot dead by Israeli soldiers during riots at Jenin.

November 19 Israeli troops shoot dead 14-year-old Palestinian boy in Gaza.

December 20 Hani al-Sufi, 14-year-old Palestinian boy, dies after being shot in Gaza.

January 1 2001 An 11-year- old Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli troops in Hebron.

January 19 Israeli youth, Ofir Rahum, 16, shot dead in Ramallah after being lured into a Palestinian ambush by woman he met on internet.

March 26 Shalhevet Tass, a 10-month old Jewish girl being carried in her father's arms, shot dead by a Palestinian sniper in Hebron.

March 27 An 11- year-old Palestinian boy, Mahmoud Ismail Daraweesh, shot dead by Israeli troops.

March 28 Hamas suicide bomber kills two Jewish boys, 13 and 15, while they are waiting for a school bus. On the same day a Palestinian boy of 12 is killed when a shell explodes in his face.

May 7 Four-month-old Iman Hijo is killed when Israeli shell hits her home in a refugee camp.

April 30 Blast destroys block of flats in Ramallah, killing two Palestinian children aged eight and six.

May 9 Two 14-year-old Jewish boys, Kobi Mendel and Yossi Ishran, stoned to death in a cave in West Bank.

May 16 Palestinian boy, 14, shot dead after youths throw stones at Israeli troops.

June 1: Eleven Israeli children aged 16 and under were among the 19 killed (18 of whom were Israeli) by a suicide bomb at the Dolphinarium night club in Tel Aviv.

June 11 Yehuda Shoham, five-month-old Israeli, dies six days after stone thrown by Palestinian crashes through windscreen of father's car.

June 16 Palestinian boy, 12, shot dead, apparently by Palestinian gunfire.

June 17 Ali Abu Shaweesh, Palestinian boy, 12, shot dead by Israeli troops after stone-throwing clashes in Khan Younis.

July 7 Israeli troops shoot dead Khalil Mughrabi, 11-year-old Palestinian boy, near Gaza-Egypt border.

July 19 Three Palestinians, including a three-month-old baby, Diya Tmeizi, killed by Israeli civilian in drive-by shooting near Hebron.

July 31 Brothers Ashraf and Bilal Khader, five and eight, killed by shrapnel when Israel launches rocket attack on Hamas headquarters.

August 9 Seven children among 15 Israelis killed by suicide bomber in Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem. Three children from Schijveschuurder family, aged two, four and 14, killed along with Michal Raziel, 16; Malka Roth, 15; Yocheved Shoshan, 10, and Tamar Shamiashvili, eight.

August 12 Eight-year-old Palestinian girl, Sabreen Ijrewi, shot dead during exchange of gunfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen in Hebron.

August 19 Mohammed Abu Arrar, 11, shot dead when Israeli troops open fire on youths throwing stones at tanks near Egypt-Gaza border.

August 20 Seven-year-old Inas and six-year-old Suleiman killed with their father Samir Abu Zeid, a Palestinian activist, in explosion at their home in Rafah, Gaza. Israel denied causing the deaths.

September 8 Israeli soldiers shoot dead 13-year-old Palestinian boy in Gaza.

September 12 An 11-year-old girl is killed when Israeli tanks enter Jenin.

September 27 Boy of 15 among five Palestinians shot dead by Israelis in fighting around Rafah refugee camp in Gaza.

October 18 Riham Nabil, a 10-year-old Palestinian girl, killed when Israeli tanks fire on school in Jenin.

October 20 A 15-year-old Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli troops in West Bank.

October 21 Ghadah Ayaseh, a 10-year-old Palestinian girl, killed by Israeli troops in her home near Jenin.

November 22 Five Palestinian schoolboys from the same family, aged 7-13, killed when they accidentally detonate an Israeli tank shell while walking to school in Khan Younis.

November 23 Palestinian boy, 15, shot dead after throwing stones at Israeli troops at funeral of the five schoolboys killed by tank shell.

November 25 Israeli troops shoot dead 13-year-old Palestinian boy when they open fire on demonstration in Bethlehem.

December 1 Two Palestinians, one an 11-year-old boy, killed by Israeli troops on West Bank.

December 10 Two Palestinian boys, three and 13, killed when Israeli helicopters fire missiles on cars in Gaza in attempt to assassinate suspected member of Islamic Jihad.

December 15 A 12-year-old boy among four Palestinians shot dead when Israeli troops enter Beit Hamoun in northern Gaza.

December 17 Israeli troops shoot dead 12-year-old Palestinian boy in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza.

February 19 2002 A girl of 14 and her mother are among six Palestinians killed when Israelis open fire on Khan Yunis and the Balata refugee camp

March 1 A 10-year-old girl among five Palestinians killed during gunfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants in a West Bank refugee camp.

March 1 Mahmoud al-Talalqa, seven-year-old Palestinian boy, killed near his home in Gaza, allegedly by gunfire from Israeli tank.

March 1 A nine-year-old girl dies after being hit by fire from a helicopter when the Israeli army enters Jenin refugee camp.

March 2 A suicide bomber in ultra-orthodox district of Beit Israel in west Jerusalem kills nine people, including 12-year-old girl, 18-month-old girl and seven-month-old boy. Three children from Nehmad family also killed - Shira, seven, Liran, three, and Shauli, 15.

March 4 Five Palestinian children killed in Ramallah when pickup truck belonging to suspected militant and another vehicle are hit by Israeli tank shells.

Please, please, please people. I know most of you are good with this stuff, but if you are going to argue or fight for anything, make sure it is the good fight! And make sure you know what you are fighting for! Misinformation is lethal!


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Message 20/23             09-Mar-03  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: This motherfuker is hell bound -

man called clay


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then they'd just go back to building homes in the middle of other people's neighborhoods.'s real estate...what the heck!
business is business.
it's nothing personal.

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