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Subject: Pay attention we're everywhere

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Original Message                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:32 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  12:34 AM   -   Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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That's my bike (what's left of it) wedged so tight beneath that truck that when he pulled back into his lane he dragged my bike with him. This is what happens when a driver doesn't pay attention. I was no more than 30 feet in front of him when he proceeded to make a left hand turn across my lane. My bike is a total loss because someone wasn't keeping their eyes on the road. I limped away from it with a few injuries (so far) and hopefully only a week or so layed up but it could have been different in so many ways. Pay attention folks because motorcyclists are everywhere and, for the motorcyclist, there is no such thing as a minor accident.

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Message 11/70             20-May-03  @  07:18 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 31

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Sup 'flux. I'm doin my 12hr@work, thought I'd check out deetee.

125 is just routine ;) (top speed is a seemingly slow 168mph)

I loved makin' breaks, but it's too @#$^ing much sitting for hour on end.

Bikes get me outside, and heh heh, at my age I'm trying to enjoy cos the bio-clock IS ticking ;)

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Message 12/70             20-May-03  @  09:15 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere

Mega Hurtz

Posts: 12

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2 wheels ain't natural.

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Message 13/70             20-May-03  @  09:40 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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You haven't wheelie'd then ;)

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Message 14/70             20-May-03  @  09:56 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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Glad you're ok mate, but you have to get used to it I suppose... I lost count of the number of times etc... never really recovered from the last incident where a London Bus decided to drive on the wrong side of the road straight at me, heh  

Then, to add insult to injury, while the bike was sitting outside the house waiting to be fixed some bastard stole it! -   *sob* - worse, it was very rare, only 100 I think ever imported into the UK

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Message 15/70             20-May-03  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 399

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have to agree Mick, my dad nearly got taken out a couple of years ago due to some stoopid bint just pulling out of a junction in front of him....

i get hit on my bike all the time (lucky its only a push-bike, but can still be serious) in fact only this morning some old cow and her kids practically ran me off the road......

greg(who is getting spiked shoes today)

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Message 16/70             20-May-03  @  10:21 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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People who dont concentrate when driving need to be shot. Fucking bastards.

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Message 17/70             20-May-03  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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glad you're ok mick. cars are awful in so many ways. be careful.

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Message 18/70             20-May-03  @  07:26 PM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  07:29 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 12353

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now THAT is a bike!! - 1970, and it'll piss all over that R1 'hoover' thing above  

strokers rule!- the noise! - the smell... nothing on this planet sounds as good as a triple


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/70             20-May-03  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 6231

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someone pulled into me once, i parked my maxim in the street in front of them and proceeded to throw roundhouses (that's what you call big punches?) into the side of their giant biker-killin truck. i scared the fuck out of them  

i'm really glad they backed up and drove off quickly cos it wasn't doing me any good at all no no!

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Message 20/70             20-May-03  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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Not that I advocate this sort of behavior,

But I used to ride with a bunch of guys who carried a pocketfull of ball beariings in their jackets for idiots on the highway!

Not pleasant having an 80 MPH steely come crashing into your windshield... or having your rear-view kicked off at the next stop light, "since they don't use it anyway!!!"


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