aaa RIAA wants you! - The lounge forums
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Subject: RIAA wants you!

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  06:01 PM   -   RIAA wants you!


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^ look

* if i remember correctly, in the first three months of this year music sales increased in the uk.

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Message 11/116             27-Jul-03  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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you know, pongoid...

theres one flaw in the whole "market shit music, to make as much as possible"

because...those big labels spend whole ing piles of money to market that shit music! Its sick how much they SPEND in order to make back a few bux.

seems like...damn...just find the real music out there, the good stuff, and dont get so hype on it. Dont require million dollar studios, etc...and dont market it so high, and get FAIR returns, not 1000000000000000000000000000000000%...

see...the music industry is fat and bloated ALL OVER, not just the records. EVERYTHING is over priced. Hell, bro, where do you work again? Only one of the most expensive sound design companies out there! Ever ask what their profit margins are? Not saying I know, but...

its not JUST the record companies. Its all intertwined, and its all bloated and disgusting, 100% across the board

and FUCK the RIAA

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Message 12/116             28-Jul-03  @  04:47 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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eventually everything will come down to earth and to those who just keep working at making decent music which people want to hear and won't cost them an arm-and-a-leg.

the separation of music and television will have to occur and of course.....the young powell will do everything he can to keep it a huge monoplistic long as he keeps his job. which will be til september, he says. he can pillage and loot and then make a run for it. it's how the game is played anymore.

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Message 13/116             28-Jul-03  @  09:19 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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or maybe the world moves like compass points and the action and direction are at the hands of those who stay on the point

Douglas Adams has a saying that if we find out the answer to L, the U and E, then the while thing be immediately replaced by something more bizarre

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Message 14/116             28-Jul-03  @  01:35 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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bollocks to the record companies, and bollocks to anyone trying to stop me downloading. Chances are I'll buy the CD to something I've downloaded off the net anyway. Its always nice to have something physical, a CD with an inlay card, something that looks good sitting with other CDs in your collection.

Same with books. Wheres the pleaure of reading a book on your computer screen, when you should be sitting on the chod bin having a shite and reading it.

If the RIAA sends a subpeona to me then there gonna get it back in the post, with a big steaming turd accompanying it.

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Message 15/116             28-Jul-03  @  02:02 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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Fuck that fat Rosen bitch! If I ever see her in the flesh, I'll spit in her face and kick her in the shin. That fucking sow has no interest whatsoever in protecting artists. Her only interest is in protecting her business clients' profit margins, which grow by selling more, and reducing costs by marketing inferior products, i.e. SHIT music


It always bothers me that they hide behind the moral high ground. "We're protecting the artists!".. Sure, whatever.. They're spending more money prosecuting these people than they're losing! And they're alienating their customers.


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Message 16/116             28-Jul-03  @  03:47 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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Why dont we start a campaign?


musicians and people ww sending in turds in jiffy bags!

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Message 17/116             28-Jul-03  @  04:19 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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I'm up for that. Is quite easy. If you drop fudge into a freezer bag and leave it in the deep freeze overnight it hardens up. Also, when you pop it in the jiffy it doesnt smell until it starts to thaw out. By then its already out of your hands and winding its way towards its target.

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Message 18/116             28-Jul-03  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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you've done it before haven't you jock?

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Message 19/116             28-Jul-03  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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the voice of experience   awesome...

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Message 20/116             29-Jul-03  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!



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oh look. a nudey magazine...

*sound of fat bloke running off*

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