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Subject: ok - about this hi-fi space

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Sep-03  @  08:44 PM   -   ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 12353

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ok, i added ability to have hi-fi space.

now what's best d'you think

shall we keep it to 20 lo-fi tracks free @ 3mb each track (= 60 mb free) and add 200 mb space for hi-fi?

is 200mb enuff for hi-fi's?... or should we for business sake drop the amount of FREE slots to say 10 and up that to 30 for lo-fi & hi-fi when a user is subscribing?

whaddya think?

if anyone wants to contribute now we can give something over - if we can breach 100 users I'll give the first 100 an extra 100mb free so to perhaps aid word of mouth ?

what'dya think is a good minimum subsciption?

we can add some better home-page templates (contest mebbe?) and also add ability to add a flash banner & stuff like extra band images? ..mebbe (good idea?? not??)

ideas please?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/22             29-Sep-03  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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I like the hi-fi idea but I will probably rotate by initially posting a track (as if I post that often, right) as hi-fi then when I post an new one move the old one to lo-fi and replace it with the new one.

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Message 12/22             30-Sep-03  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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will you rotate your name too?!


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Message 13/22             30-Sep-03  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 12353

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queasy - where is this link you clicked? - what page is the link on? - i cant find the error


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 14/22             30-Sep-03  @  07:15 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 80

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on the right side: "latest user tracks"

I clicked on "wonder child" (the first track listed at the moment) and got the error.

Does anyone else get this error?


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Message 15/22             01-Oct-03  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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nope - fine for me - artist & track link and the stream all work ok from that left-hand column links

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Message 16/22             01-Oct-03  @  01:40 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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i just tried playing 5 tracks from various sections of the 7161 home-page and got error messages when i hit the blue arrows.
same as a couple days ago.

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Message 17/22             01-Oct-03  @  01:52 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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what occurs for me is that i get these error-messages and i end up with real-player files on my desktop. if i drag these onto my mp3 player they work fine.

listening to a nice new remix by sitar right now.

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Message 18/22             01-Oct-03  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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realplayer sucks a donkeys dick, that's your problem!! - we use .M3U streaming mp3 file extentions which realplayer cannot deal with it seems (seen this problem once before with someone who used realplayer for trying to play mp3's - get rid of it mate it's utter, total & complete S H I T!!!

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Message 19/22             02-Oct-03  @  02:44 AM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space



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File?:  No file

i hate real player too and i don't use it...though i have it. i always use panic audion which i've always listened to every dt track EVER with...WITH zero problems up until about 4 days ago. now i get these error messages and then these real player files on my desktop? then i drag THOSE onto my mp3 player and they play.

hey...nothing personal. i'm just mac tester #2 reporting for duty.... telling you what happens on THIS end of things. so you can know.

but yeah...real player...that donkey thing.
ain't it the truth?

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Message 20/22             02-Oct-03  @  06:17 AM   -   RE: ok - about this hi-fi space


Posts: 4573

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best for streaming porn, tho. seen.

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