aaa What is the matter with my SN [Arp]? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Nov-99  @  04:25 AM   -   What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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Hey, i was wondering if someone could help me out... Im trying to get my sequencer to record arp note data... Ive gone through the manual and everything is set the way it should... the sequencer is set to record on the same channel that the arp notes are being transmitted on...even my midi interface sees that the data is being transmitted, but the sequencer doesnt seem to see that it is sending data! The only time that the computer (a powermac 8600 running Vision, btw) sees the data is if I set up a SysEx receive, and then it sees it! I thought the arp was supposed to transmit note data?! Can anybody help?


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Message 11/22             01-Dec-99  @  09:34 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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There are 2 ways to record the arp notes without a loop into your sequencer:
1. Record the trigger notes into your sequencer with the supernova's arp output set to "internal only". Then play that track and record the arp notes to a different track (arp output set to internal and midi).
2. Trigger the Nova arp with your keyboards midi out connected directly to the Novas midi in, not using your sequencers midi through and record the Novas midi out to your sequencer.

Greets Stefan

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Message 12/22             02-Dec-99  @  04:34 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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I'd recommend Stefan's first method, especially if you're synchronising the Arp(s) to external MIDI clock.

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Message 13/22             02-Dec-99  @  07:58 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Yes, I think the first method is better (can't think of anything better). But still it is quite frustrating that it takes two steps to record Arp notes.
Ideally, we should be able to send trigger notes, Record Arp notes but without the trigger notes being recorded. May be there is an option in cubase that would allow this (if the master keyboard MIDI output is set to a different channel)?

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Message 14/22             02-Dec-99  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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AFAIK there is no option in Cubase to record a track on one channel and route midi through on a different channel.
btw. i ask myself why you want to record the arp notes? Do you trigger other synths with the recorded notes ?

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Message 15/22             02-Dec-99  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Hi stefan,

I want to record Arp notes in order to be able to alter the sequence afterward and also to edit specific notes (i.e resonance and frequency) in a manner that doesn't always sound repetitve. Does it make any sense?
Another reason, i can get a SN Arp part to be played by another synth (to free up a SN part for something else).The pattern can also be used to trigger another instrument as you suggested. But mostly, I was just being curious.

After a few tracks there is alot of 'traffic' on the MIDI bus. I know, the Arp is there to take some of work away and make life easier. But life isn' t complicated enough...
Thanks alot for your inputs.


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Message 16/22             02-Dec-99  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Joffrey, this makes sense of course,I was just curious because I do not use the arp but make all sequences with my software.

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Message 17/22             03-Dec-99  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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When originally designing the Arpeggiator, I considered an extra Arp parameter to force the Arp's MIDI output transmission to a separate MIDI channel especially to avoid these kinds of problems. Phill thought it would probably make Arp operation more complicated.

I guess if there were enough demand, this feature could be included into a future OS update.

Any takers ?

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Message 18/22             03-Dec-99  @  04:24 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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Though not using the arp often i am proud to be the first pro-voter ;-)
Tonight I am going to prepare a standard text to copy and paste into the forum for the upcoming problems and questions about that new feature ;-)

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Message 19/22             04-Dec-99  @  09:03 AM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?



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By the way... Kinetik... it would be nice if you could comment some (all?) items on the NovaStation wishlist... such as... "possible / not needed / impossible / great, why didn't i think of it" etc... ==> - WishList

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Message 20/22             04-Dec-99  @  01:28 PM   -   RE: What is the matter with my SN [Arp]?


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Hi Mickey,

I have had a look at your wishlist. Some ideas I think are good ones, others I feel would be difficult to implement into the code as it is written at the moment. If any comment was to be made on your wishlist, perhaps Phill should be the one to make it - giving the official NOVATION line on this.

A few things perhaps I should make clear :

Firstly, the descision to implement certain features or not is not mine to make alone - I am merely one part of the development team. Other people are involved in both the development of code and hardware.

Secondly, I can reveal that the amount of free space available for OS enhancements in the Supernova and Nova is now VERY small (probably less than a couple of Kilobytes or so). This has actually been the case since OS1. So far we've been able to re-write various routines and compress data in such a way to free up the nescessary space for new features. So while there is undoubtably some extra features that we'd like to include, the amount of extra code space required is now an important factor for us to consider. Bear in mind as well that we definitely wish to make use of those 'special' buttons in future OS upgrades....

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