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Subject: mixing for club sound systems

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Apr-02  @  03:57 PM   -   mixing for club sound systems



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When mxing dance music (house/techno etc)do people usually take into account how they will sound on club sound systems or should this not be considered?

Do club sound engineers re-eq the records on the fly anyway? I've also heard that all sound systems convert into mono before being transmitted to the speakers, is this true?

The reason I ask is I'm working on quite a clubby tune at the moment (sort of funky house)and I want to make sure it sounds good in the clubs (if it got that far). However, its quite bass heavey and sounds great on my Absolute 2's but Ive heard this are naturally quite bright and so Im worried Im over compensating for this.

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Message 21/26             02-May-02  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: mixing for club sound systems


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thats weird. i have some records where the bass is louder if anything, than the CD. hope it wasnt a faulty needle that caused this  

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Message 22/26             02-May-02  @  07:05 AM   -   RE: mixing for club sound systems


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Nope, nope nope... Vinyl when played usually DOES have more bass, but when ya mix for vinyl ya usually hafta go a bit lighter on the bass and highs. But when you're talking overall db smashing, digital can go way higher.

Flux - That was my response when I got the test pressing from this outfit... sounded like a fucked press. But when I asked them about it they said it was due to being too hot, especially in the subs and high end. When I asked the main console jock what i should be sending them he said nothing hotter than -3db as digital peak. That's also been confirmed by a couple other vinyl houses.... HOWEVER, since I'm usually coming straight off me board (no extra maximizing, compressing, etc.) at waaaay hotter than what their talking, I called around and got about three times as many mastering houses that said to get it set the way I liked it. All said to make sure not to overdo the subs and the real high end, but aside from that, I could feel free to push the levels reasonably hot (definitely peaking at digital 0).

So, that being the case, I'd just check with the mastering engineer first-hand if you can. Although, honestly, I'd assume most labels would let you know how you need to mix and/or master, if it's an issue, so I wouldna fret too much about generally....


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Message 23/26             02-May-02  @  10:35 AM   -   RE: mixing for club sound systems


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oh fuck it this is all just a stupid game anyway

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Message 24/26             02-May-02  @  11:35 AM   -   RE: mixing for club sound systems


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i dunno, you're pretty good and music can mean a whole lotta shit to people.

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Message 25/26             02-May-02  @  02:20 PM   -   RE: mixing for club sound systems


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that whole albumn orbital has really long tracks on it. So they squeeze the grooves together, and to do so they have to lower the bass cuz the hotter the bass the wider the grooves go. I think they did it so they could fit all those tracks on to less vinyl. At any rate the record sounds like shit next to the cd. The umph on the 808 is just gone on the record.

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Message 26/26             02-May-02  @  02:22 PM   -   RE: mixing for club sound systems


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oh, and I know we have touched on this in the past, but phase has alot to do with losing bass in vinyl. they mono all the lows and sum them, and if your stereo mix sounds great but the bass is out of phase at all, the volume may drop considerably when mono'ed out. so switch your mixer into mono to see if the levels change.

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