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Subject: TRANCE!:)

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-02  @  11:03 AM   -   TRANCE!:)


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hehe. Bet you never thought you'd see this, but Andreas was committed enough to his love for this or these styles to send me a CD packed with MP3s of what he felt was representative of "good" stuff...

Plenty have tried before, and its almost always the same shit, with a couple of semi-promising tracks..

well...this CD has some cool shit..Kox Box and infected mushroom I like some...still not down with the 9 minute songs but...I can see where this is good stuff. not repetitive, no cheezy chord progressions, cool use of the stereo field etc

in addition, y'all should check out this kids tunes...he put one on the CD for me and, to be honest, it is the best "trance" I've heard here, hands down. Could use some production work to make it really GO, but a damn fine job!

so everyone check this guys stuff out..those of you interested in this genre (I guess its "psy-trance" to be specific?) and give props to someone who seems to be writing some good shit.

thanks andreas

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Message 21/37             28-Jan-02  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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i agree, but that shouldn't stop you meddling.  

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Message 22/37             28-Jan-02  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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Influx..."TRANCE RULES!" ???

I wish I had a camera. Somebody get that on videotape.

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Message 23/37             28-Jan-02  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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it was a joke, fellas

genre jumping is wack. trying out your wings is different

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Message 24/37             28-Jan-02  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)

Jon the lazy man


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Trance isn't all that bad like a lot of people seem to think. There are some very great stuff out there.. I think trance has been given a bad name because of artists like Alice Deejay, Vengaboys and Daddy Dj kinda stuff.

What I like best about trance is the the emotions you feel when you hear the melodies.

Here are some of my fav tracks at the moment, check them out if you'd like. But watch out.. you might start enjoying trance.. *scary* ;) What would your friends think of you? hehe

Albion - Air
Fire & Ice - Souvenir De Chine
Dutchfore - Deadline
Moogwai - Labyrinth Part2
Ocean Lab - Clear blue water (above and beyond progressive mix)
Tony Walker - Fields of joy

Thanks for reading this propaganda.. Usually I'm no into making people listen to what I listen to ,but I just want to show you guys & gals that trance isn't all that bad that you might think. Hehe, please don't flame me too much, eh?  


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Message 25/37             28-Jan-02  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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Shoot. I was all excited about jumping to country western electronica or CWA. Make that ICWA and you know what the letter I stands for.

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Message 26/37             28-Jan-02  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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idiotic? imbecile? indifferent? insincere? insufficient? inadvertent? intermediary?

damn. Im stumped

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Message 27/37             29-Jan-02  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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& didn't alabama 3 do c&w electronicA? "ain't goin' to goa" i seem to recall.

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Message 28/37             29-Jan-02  @  09:32 AM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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sitar, Industrial?  

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Message 29/37             29-Jan-02  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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Industrial c&w. That would be the sounds of trucks and oil rigs. In case any of you REALLY don't know, it's Intelligent Country Western Electronica.

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Message 30/37             29-Jan-02  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: TRANCE!:)


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Celtic Cross - Hicksville ...that's very good track whitch sounds combination of Country, Celtic and psychedelic electronic music...

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