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Subject: Ironic

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Apr-03  @  05:43 PM   -   Ironic


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Message 21/103             04-Apr-03  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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I've never seen external escallators before.

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Message 22/103             04-Apr-03  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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heh. only in america, right?

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Message 23/103             04-Apr-03  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: Ironic

Broken Silence

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they're escallators people, escallators!!!

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Message 24/103             04-Apr-03  @  02:38 PM     Edit: 04-Apr-03  |  04:31 PM   -   RE: Ironic

Steve Roughley

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" you euros see the difference?"

Well... its a good point, but needs to be defined a little further. I think the problem arises when anybody sees themselves as a 'citizen' (not just legally) of any country.

'Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons' - Bertrand Russel

'Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious' - Oscar Wilde

And my favourite:

'Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy' - George Bernard Shaw

All said by very, very intelligent people. I don't have a problem with those who live in the USA. But in general, those who believe in their country and government without cynicism tend to be the sort of people I'd offer to put to death. This is however a generalisation, there are always exceptions, though probably not that many in this case.

I feel I speak for many Euros when I say it is just that 'those citizens' of the USA do tend to be very loud and obnoxious, so it is hard to miss them; shouting and waving their flags. While many of the other people living in the US don't make too much noise, so we tend not to associate the US with people other than those 'citizens'.



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Message 25/103             04-Apr-03  @  02:50 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Good point, Mr. Roughley.

I'm just anti-most-humans, and living in this fucking country doesn't help. That I have to see every other car with a fucking flag sticker on it, or one of those ONE NATION. INDIVISBLE. stickers on it, etc. just does not make it easier to um.. anything. I just woke up. Kill 'em all.

Canada. Good place for me I'm sure.

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Message 26/103             04-Apr-03  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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well I aint one of those loud flag wavin motherfvckers ok? In fact, I do my best to peel the stickers off and steal flags whenver possible.

this place..its...its a very good thing gone (going) bad, and it's sad to see, and sad to have it make you feel so out of place while at the same time acknowledging the privilege and opportunity it truly does provide.

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Message 27/103             05-Apr-03  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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good for some.. living hell for others...

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Message 28/103             05-Apr-03  @  12:53 AM     Edit: 05-Apr-03  |  12:57 AM   -   RE: Ironic

Steve Roughley

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Yeah it is a shame. The US was built on so many good ideas and has been a fantastic country. Though, with the benefit of hindsight, it is now clear that the problems that are arising were inevitable. The US was settled and developed by Europeans who were sick of all of the wars, poverty and governmental problems in their homeland and so the settlers chose to completely ignore such things in a bid to put the problems behind them, as the belief was that the US was going to be different. The only problem is that being a place filled with people, these problems when ignored, would show up again. Hence the wars, poor governing and social problems. The US seems to be going through the same problems of Europe in the 17/1800's. I bet Australia is going to follow suit!



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Message 29/103             05-Apr-03  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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living hell, eh?


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Message 30/103             05-Apr-03  @  09:40 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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influx: try being black in the south...

What's your history? Brought here as a slave.. Forced to work until you died, No right to stay with your family, if you were a young woman you could expect to be regularly raped by the white master, his sons or his staff. If you stepped out of line you would be whipped or beaten, maybe have your ankles broken, your face disfigured or simply killed.

After emancipation the whites in the south adopted new tactics. In 1865 and 1866, about 5,000 Southern blacks were murdered. No whites were convicted of doing anything wrong.

The Ku Klux Klan also attempted to keep blacks from voting through an increased use of threats, beatings, and killings. More than 3,000 blacks were lynched during the late 1800's, and the Klan and members of similar groups lynched hundreds more throughout the South during the early 1900's.

There was a decline in lynching during the First World War but more than seventy blacks were murdered in this way in the year after the war ended. Ten black soldiers, several still in their army uniforms, were amongst those lynched. Between 1919 and 1922, a further 239 blacks were lynched by white mobs and many more were killed by individual acts of violence and unrecorded lynchings. In none of these cases was a white person punished for these crimes.

Dr. Arthur Raper was commissioned in 1930 to produce a report on lynching. He discovered that "3,724 people were lynched in the United States from 1889 through to 1930. Over four-fifths of these were Negroes, less than one-sixth of whom were accused of rape. Practically all of the lynchers were native whites.

The fact that a number of the victims were tortured, mutilated, dragged, or burned suggests the presence of sadistic tendencies among the lynchers. Of the tens of thousands of lynchers and onlookers, only 49 were indicted and only 4 have been sentenced."

Henry Hayes was executed on 6th June, 1997. It was the first time a white man had been executed for a crime against an African American since 1913!!!!!

Now, you tell me, in the last 100 years, how many

a) white people were executed for killing black people?

b) black people were killed by white people?

If you are an american and you don't have a clue, you should be ashamed.. go research.

Here's something to get you started on your journey of discovery:

'between 1930 and 1996, more than half of all those executed have been African-Americans. When the crime (or accusation) is rape, the death penalty has almost always been exclusively reserved for blacks. Of the 453 men executed for rape since 1930, 405 have been black. Nearly all of them were executed in the South. They were arrested and convicted on the flimsiest evidence, usually no more than the word of a white woman. At the same time, not one white man received the death penalty for raping a black woman. There is no official record in any Southern state of a black man ever being executed for raping a black woman. The victims of all but 44 of the blacks executed in the South from 1930 through 1984 were white. Not much has changed over the years. A black is still eleven times more likely to get the death penalty then a white when the victim is white. At present nearly half of those currently sitting on the nation's death rows are black. And that number has remained steady for three decades. The only real change in the top heavy racial make-up of death row prisoners is the jump in the number of Latinos awaiting execution. In Texas and California, the runaway leaders in the number of prisoners on death row, a significant number of the condemned are Latinos. A recent report from the Leadership Council on Civil Rights revealed that Latinos have outstripped blacks as the fastest growing imprisoned group in America. The same glaring racial bias that insures many black men wind up on death row also ensnares Latinos.'

Sounds like a living hell to me...

(And lets not mention the experience of the Native Americans)

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