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Subject: ESI32 or S2000?

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Mar-98  @  08:34 PM   -   ESI32 or S2000?



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I have a CS1x and am looking to get a sampler,
these 2 seem the best contenders, and are reasonably cheap...
Any thoughts?

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Message 21/38             03-Apr-98  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Right on becky,sometimes you have to read between the lines!!I have a groovebox and it just didn't deliver everything the documentation said it would.It didn't live up to the specs!This ASR-x does seem to be quite a bit more usefull than the groovebox,but it costs quite a bit more!The standard outputs are,for me,a wonderful thing.I like to be able to process each sound individually.If you can control the ASR-x like you can a normal sampling unit then that is cool as long as the price comes down a bit!! As for the sequencer that little unit will allow you to be portable.Maybe you're on holiday(english lingo how bout that:-) and you get a bit inspired and you want to lay down some beats well you have a handy little sequencer and controller in one! Really this is what I was looking for in the groovebox,and if I can sell the thing(nobody wants it for 450.00 US)then I am going to consider the ASR-x,but most of all consider your needs!!


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Message 22/38             03-Apr-98  @  08:17 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Right on becky,sometimes you have to read between the lines!!I have a groovebox and it just didn't deliver everything the documentation said it would.It didn't live up to the specs!This ASR-x does seem to be quite a bit more usefull than the groovebox,but it costs quite a bit more!The standard outputs are,for me,a wonderful thing.I like to be able to process each sound individually.If you can control the ASR-x like you can a normal sampling unit then that is cool as long as the price comes down a bit!! As for the sequencer that little unit will allow you to be portable.Maybe you're on holiday(english lingo how bout that:-) and you get a bit inspired and you want to lay down some beats well you have a handy little sequencer and controller in one! Really this is what I was looking for in the groovebox,and if I can sell the thing(nobody wants it for 450.00 US)then I am going to consider the ASR-x,but most of all consider your needs!!


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Message 23/38             03-Apr-98  @  08:22 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Right on becky,sometimes you have to read between the lines!!I have a groovebox and it just didn't deliver everything the documentation said it would.It didn't live up to the specs!This ASR-x does seem to be quite a bit more usefull than the groovebox,but it costs quite a bit more!The standard outputs are,for me,a wonderful thing.I like to be able to process each sound individually.If you can control the ASR-x like you can a normal sampling unit then that is cool as long as the price comes down a bit!! As for the sequencer that little unit will allow you to be portable.Maybe you're on holiday(english lingo how bout that:-) and you get a bit inspired and you want to lay down some beats well you have a handy little sequencer and controller in one! Really this is what I was looking for in the groovebox,and if I can sell the thing(nobody wants it for 450.00 US)then I am going to consider the ASR-x,but most of all consider your needs!!


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Message 24/38             03-Apr-98  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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yeah i agree..... I am also always willing to overlook the actual spec's of an intended purchase if i like the style of the advertising .......and it's true about the pads.... the rubber pads on the Akai-Roger Linn and the MPC series are crap too........!!! (???)...... strange.... still i guess once you pay the tax... and pay for the filter/synth board... and the extra for the scsi..... it'll be worth it....... you did ask my opinion....... and I say..... save up a bit more and look DEEPly into the possiblities of a unit with all that & more included .......and it's totally interfacable with the pc.......straight from the box !!...... and reads akai....... also..... check the s/w version of the cheap ESI you saw....... most importantly..... none of the listed contender have re-sampling..... or fx...... maybe the retail price is high in wherever you are,....... but in the uK retail of the ASR is under a K ........ yup..... it's 200 quid more than an akia or esi..... but check the price for the expansions to get up to spec on the others.... it'll cost you alot more in the end........ also...... can the esi or the s-2000 save long samples to consecutive disk??........ i actually dont know that one..... but it;s very important...... anyone know ??

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Message 25/38             05-Apr-98  @  10:33 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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uh the pads suck ? how about aftertouch you assholes ? How about note repeat. I mean, buying a groovebox in the first place.....haha hehe haha......

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Message 26/38             06-Apr-98  @  10:48 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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ai ia ia !!... i thought i'd get a slagging for that...... well I just think that as most dance is about simple RHYTHMS..... as opposed to playing like a keyboard player style where notes, scales etc are the priority........ they are valuable...... also obviously for drums.....

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Message 27/38             06-Apr-98  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Hey Hilevelt, mind expanding on getting that OS upgrade for free?

I've never understood OS upgrades for synths are they software or hardware
(like a chip inside)? ...Oooer... does that mean you stole the chip from inside
the shop copy?

The CS1x has recently upgraded from OS 1.05 to 1.08, anyone know how to
get a copy? Yamaha don't saay anything on their web site...

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Message 28/38             07-Apr-98  @  12:41 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Kilo wrote "well I just think that as most dance is about simple patterns"

There you go folks.....

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Message 29/38             07-Apr-98  @  04:14 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?


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The emu os is s/w...just go figure it out, or use your womanly charms to get the salesman to pull out the manual pack, which comes with a copy. hehehe, Kilo getting slagged "you're a wind bag and never programmed a note in your life, while Bob's a real musician who can hear that Josh Wink Major 3rd two minutes into the track...."

in a sing-songy tone "DJ Shadow made a record with an MPC-60, he's got more money than any of us. Kurt Cobain couldn't play a C Major scale, now he-ee's de-ead."

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Message 30/38             07-Apr-98  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Well to upgrade my esi to version 3 i had to remove 2 chips and replace them with 2 new ones so i doubt if you
can download the new os onto a floppy.

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