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Subject: hit it!

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Dec-01  @  09:43 AM   -   hit it!


Posts: 348

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File?:  No file

word. alright guys, I finally have something to show for my newest analog gear! new track up called: Chime along the 'B'. A neat breakbeat tune. Can I say break beat? does it break? blah, I sound like a 50'sish joke. anyway, Some of the vocal tones are off just by a hair, but I have no reference for keeping it on tune (and the ppl around me aren't any help)...

So, I hope you dig, and take a listen. peaceout y'all

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Message 31/32             06-Dec-01  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 195

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

How didyou manage to keep it in stereo. Mine hasbnt been uploading, and I really want it stereo. Maybe the servers just busy.

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Message 32/32             10-Dec-01  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 135

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

the vocals on this track are great...its got quite an old skool breaks vibe going on there...good one.

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