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Subject: My Weed Problem

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  03:32 PM   -   My Weed Problem



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I've a problem. I'm addicted to weed. I think I need weed to make tracks but when I smoke it I end up, after 20 mins, turning off the studio and turning on the TV.

While I watch the TV, I say to myself "I gotta give up the weed". I say "I don't need weed to make tracks. I'm gonna give up and have my last puff this Sunday".

I go to work and get excited about the fact I'm gonna give up weed 'this sunday'. I go into the studio during the week and smoke 'my last quarter' and just mess about on the computer 'getting things ready' for my new life being weed free and actually making some bloody music.

So, it gets to Sunday and I have my 'last big puff' and go through all 'the routines of my last day puffing'. It gets to Sunday night and I pack my 'last' joint with a ten draw cos its my last puff, I'm going to really make an effort 'this time'. I smoke my last joint and go into my studio and stick on Massive Attack "protection", cos that's the right music to listen to whilst having my 'last smoke'. I go to bed and feel excited.

I get up on Monday morning and feel fine. I finish work and rush home to get into the studio all sober. I switch on the PC, load up some drums and say "jesus man, I could really fancy a puff" and "I can't be creative without some weed".

About 7'oclock Monday night, I ring my dealer and get in the car, park on his dodgy estate and buy some weed. I rush home, skin up, last about 20 mins and then turn on the TV.

And so the cycle continues.

D'you think I should just give up music making, resign myself to the fact that this is all just some dream and I ain't never gonna make shit..?

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Message 31/32             04-Apr-03  @  09:12 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem



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it's not complicated; it's just difficult. leave it alone for a while, and see if/when/how you can come back to it. everything else is b.s.

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Message 32/32             07-Apr-03  @  06:13 AM     Edit: 07-Apr-03  |  06:15 AM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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About two years ago I started getting high socially, one or two hit's every few weekends when visiting friends who smoke. Last summer I took a ride on the Blue ridge Parkway and bought an eighth for the ride, just enough for a hit or two in the evenings while watching the sun go down and whatnot. Shortly after that I started getting high regularly and my attitude has been adjusted for the better. I can relate to Mindspawn's comments, I see weed as an alternative to Prozac, Librium, or Thorazine, keeping fast food restaurants and post offices everywhere safe.  

There is a time and place for it though, I'm right there with K on this so taking a hike in the woods, a walk though the neighborhood or anything that separates the moment is a good thing. Getting high and watching the Cartoon Channel (or the Weather Channel, or The Channel Channel) all afternoon doesn't qualify.   I definitely wouldn't think of getting high and trying to work, seems like one would take away from the other. Housework is another story, I can clean some serious mother****** house after a bowl.

If weed is a problem for you consider a look at the underlying reason, it could be you have an addictive personality and if that's the case you could do worse than weed.

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