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Subject: SE-1?

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Oct-00  @  09:53 PM   -   SE-1?



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has anyone seen a picture of these new limited-edition MPC2Ks? I have been thinking of picking one up and if its not butt-ugly than the SE1 might be my choice... not even akai's website has it there, but it was intro'd at AES...

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Message 31/33             02-Nov-00  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: SE-1?



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I just got a wicked personal audio editor and it's white too so if i went with anything else it would clash w/ my akais.Dude if you want a different vibe use oak instead of black tolex racks or something pick the gear by sound and function,form is irrelevant.

-;) you were lookin an all in one box that was cheap.DJX the ad says it's a babe magnet and it's the world's first digital hip hop accordian.What more could you ask for in a piece of gear it's like acid w/ guitar straps.i swear if i ever catch someone out in public w/ one of those things i'm smashing it to bits.

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Message 32/33             03-Nov-00  @  02:51 AM   -   RE: SE-1?



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man u r not funny, just an ass, I was tring to ignore your last crap, and just move on w the thread, basicly becouse your post was way off target and just plain stupid, when I talk about all in one box: I'm NOT meaning entier studio in one box, this thread is about the mpc.. silly.. I'm obviusly refering to fullblown drummachine sampler/seq in a box... and about the sampler section being up to date: I have one word: normalize. really u r a hole man no woder why everyone can't stand u (can't say i din't give u a chance)..... how old r u again??

and hey btFw I'm buying a ms2000 becouse its a great sounding synth w cool specs.. and u what: as a added bonus it looks fantastik!!! .. and I'm glad it does cos it does bring a cool viberation and that effects my mood/my music.. and everyone that pops by the stuidio goes: woooh cool and I'm glad they go: woooh cool, I have nothing against it and it came w the package... zo what tF is your problem! ..

get it!

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Message 33/33             04-Nov-00  @  12:12 PM   -   RE: SE-1?

I'm just fucking w/ ya


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-;) I like my damn mpc and my real synthesizers that's my damn problem,I don't have problems w/ my machines only people but i know one day all the people will wake up and smell the voltage and if not good the real shit just gets cheaper and cheaper and one day I will have ALL the analog synths and they will all be networked to my MPC.And it will all look and sound very ugly.

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