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Subject: Seeking TRANCE

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Nov-00  @  12:49 AM   -   Seeking TRANCE



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I'm totally new to this world of making music. I'm very interested though. I need a starting point. I need to know what equipment I need and how I go about in creating this wonderful sound they call TRANCE.

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Message 31/35             04-Feb-01  @  06:28 PM   -   RE: Seeking TRANCE



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ville it is completely wrong to think: "make beat and bass work together which propably means that they shouldn't overlap each other's frequencies. " - - you need to make all the parts gel to make the groove happen and this may involve the total opposite, it may require some bass & drum parts become merged and loose all their individual definition, but the grrove rocks along and jumps... newbies always make the mistake to 'think' about their eq, to and extent this 'cerebral' approach is not good... newbies always try to mix everything so it can be heard distinctly in the mix... wrong!

also how far apart the monitors are makeas a hell of a difference....sitting behind your mixer about 4-5 feet from the speaker shelf they should be like 7 feet apart or so... not closer.... but experiment with a CD you like playing thru the speakers,,,,,, move them apart and check the mix, move them toghether... find the sweet spot!! -- too close and you loose stereo definition but also it changes the center point sound which is where the the bass/groove energy resides - to far apart and the middle of the mix starts to dissapear and again you are mixing to what you hear so you over emphasis the center 'punch' to compensate for it's 'dissapearence' and end up with again a crappy mix

having your speakers on the longest wall of the room helps the sound, like dont stuff your studio up into the small end of the room lengthways, use the width of the room - putting your tape & book shelves etc behind you facing the speakers helps to break up waves hitting the back wall.

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Message 32/35             06-Feb-01  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: Seeking TRANCE



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Thanks for tips. I'm using Yamaha msp10 monitor which are IMHO quite good.

I got to admit K that i'm "thinking" my EQ. Too much i guess. I'm watching the faders and counting frequencies. Really stupid when i think of it now...
(Trying to make everything to be heard is propably too problem of mixing one's own material.Guilty as charged anyway)
I live in metric system for gods sake!!!! Damn feets and pounds  
I'll have to experiment with my "sweet spot" some more (no not that!)

Lately i've been struggling with the mix of one new track ("Squeez") but i just can't get bass right. Low offbeat "ooomph" seems to disappear when other instruments come in and at the end of the track it jumps out again. Besides i've have to leave that track to rest for a while becasue i have started to dislike it.
Not just selfish promoting but humbly asking for opinion... (above link)

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Message 33/35             06-Feb-01  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: Seeking TRANCE



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hmm... thats a really good organic track actually, people would oplay that but the joins seem a bit hurried, it doesnt change sections very smoothly... bits dont come in/out at resolved bars so you loose the 'anticipation' factor

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Message 34/35             07-Feb-01  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: Production stuff



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The reason why your bass is getting muddy and losing power when extra sounds are added is because those extra sounds are carry too much bottom end and are cancelling out and distorting the bass frequencies from your offbeat bass.

The answer to this is to cut bass off those other sounds. Thin them out! People always thing in terms of addition when mixing, but cutting bass from one sound will allow other sounds to be heard clearer in the mix.

Your bottom end generally starts at about 300hz, so get all of your (assuming you`re writing trance) arps, pads and whatever else and cut about minus 2-3db off bottom of all of those sounds using a low shelving eq or a high pass filter.

Once the bottom has been removed from these components of your tune you`ll find that your mix will have headroom once again and the bass sound should reappear again.

Then it`s just a case of balancing things until everything has it own level of power.

Try and reduce things as much as you can with eq to the point where it is almost compromising sound quality, this will give you much more space/headroom in the mix.

Good luck!

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Message 35/35             14-Feb-01  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: Seeking TRANCE



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I`ve just read through these threads and found some really interesting info. Has nobody got anything else to say?
Steve you seem to know quite a bit about producing/engineering,what music do you write? I have loads of questions I wouldn`t mind asking.

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