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Subject: megahead can stop playing!

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Feb-02  @  01:48 AM     Edit: 04-Mar-02  |  01:21 PM   -   megahead can stop playing!


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with his sister :P

had to get this in before megahead takes over the world on saturday.

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Message 31/36             23-Feb-02  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: megahead can stop playing!


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's is a singular possessive.

sensoniq..did you really just call me son?

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Message 32/36             23-Feb-02  @  09:10 AM     Edit: 23-Feb-02  |  09:15 AM   -   RE: megahead can stop playing!


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yeah, that's it. and that's why i don't get it. i thought 'postropheeees were for 'missing' letters, it's, what's etc.

crap english spelling.

you'll all have to learn welsh at some point, so you might as well start now. "cer i gachu"

oh, and apparently the term is now english as an additional language, not esl.

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Message 33/36             23-Feb-02  @  09:32 AM   -   RE: megahead can stop playing!


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"Hello bedwyr - You have some mail from a Dancetech viewer.

i heard your music on the site it is absolutely new and well done!!


Hello bedwyr - You have some mail from a Dancetech viewer.

...i was jokin',it sucks like any other cheezy tune!"

thanks for taking the time. tell me, what exactly is the point?

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Message 34/36             23-Feb-02  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: megahead can stop playing!


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Message 35/36             23-Feb-02  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: megahead can stop playing!


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anyway apostrophes also are used for contractions like don't, won't etc. I tend to leave them out (my little contribution to the movement ) but bad spelling is just unacceptable, unless of course youre an ESL

jesus. additional. give me a frickin break

lets all go spam subbrass

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Message 36/36             24-Feb-02  @  03:16 PM   -   RE: megahead can stop playing!


Posts: 2890

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no, leave him alone.

subbrass, cer i gachu, cont gwirion! ;)

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