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Subject: ESI32 or S2000?

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Mar-98  @  08:34 PM   -   ESI32 or S2000?



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I have a CS1x and am looking to get a sampler,
these 2 seem the best contenders, and are reasonably cheap...
Any thoughts?

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Message 31/38             07-Apr-98  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?


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kid, emu only does s/w upgrades now, unless it's an expansion board.

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Message 32/38             07-Apr-98  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Hey, it's official. Just heard from Emu... The ESI32 is out of production, being replaced
by the ESI4000...
Those mid range machines don't make them any money I guess... shame cos I think they're enough for most people.

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Message 33/38             10-Apr-98  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Hilevelt,does the software upgrade accomplish the same thing as the rom chips I got with my torbo option(calamari)upgrade?It seems odd that they would have ever offered rom upgrades if the same thing could have been done with software.Uhh???????Right??

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Message 34/38             10-Apr-98  @  01:49 AM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?


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your calamari board is worth it, extra outputs are golden, but the filters are s/w

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Message 35/38             15-Apr-98  @  05:58 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?

Purple Haze


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Hmmm... some thoughts when reading all of the above...

I've owned an esi-32 for about 8 months now, the upgrade to eos3.1 (or is that 3.0 ? forgot) is for free if you bought the machine after april '97 or something. For as far as I know the upgrade (which is a software upgrade) can only be done by replacing the rom's which contain the software with the new ones. If anyone out there was able to upgrade his esi32 by just inserting a disk with a new os or something (like I think is possible on the akai's) then let me know, I'd be very interested to know how he did it (the esi is using a processor based on the motorola 68000, and I just happen to know this processor like the back of my hand, so if I'd be able to access and change the software the esi is running, I might be able to add some minor sysex support and stuff).

Overall I'm pretty pleased with my esi, the only disadvantage being that I seem to be unable to find that 30 (or is that 32? smoked too much last night I guess) pins 16mb ram (4mb is highest I found so far).

As to the only difference between the esi32 and esi4000 being the software... well, the esi4000 have 64 voice polyphony, and uses the 'more normal' 72 pins simms which are generally much cheaper and easier to find.

Hmm... a friend of mine has an S2000 which I played around with a bit, wouldn't trade it for the esi32.

The Purple one.

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Message 36/38             15-Apr-98  @  06:27 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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Well thats what i tried to tell the man! The esi4000 also goes upto 128 meg ram but I'm finding
my 32 note and 32 megs not too limiting.

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Message 37/38             17-Apr-98  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?



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My man Adam Cowen at sweetwater sound can hook you up with Ram.They'll also take your old simms in trade!!
Peace DIGS

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Message 38/38             21-Apr-98  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: ESI32 or S2000?


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uh, fellas, even EMAX's are s/w upgradable (yes, slip in a disk and you're done). While swapping chips might give you some benefits I don't know about, a lot of the relevant factors can be upgraded like this.

BTW, if anybody owns an e64, I'd be happy to upload the newest OS and the Sound Diver s/w.

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