aaa Can't get my compressor to "pump"! - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: Can't get my compressor to "pump"!

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Original Message                 Date: 08-May-02  @  01:39 PM   -   Can't get my compressor to


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All the people I've seen use compressors go for that "nice" sound. I want to get my unit to pump in time with my beats like the dance pro producers do.

How I understand it is that you send the grouped drum track to the stereo compressor and compress with the desired ratio. Then I make sure I have the fastest possible attack and release settings. Then I lengthen the release time until the drums pump (suck in and out) then back it off slightly.

This is what I've been doing but can't get it to work. Any advice?

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Message 31/45             09-May-02  @  01:24 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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sarcasim? i didint know such word excisted :P

"sarcasm.... a tactic we use,

just a strategy,

helps me from coming unglued"

etc etc... RKL rocks!

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Message 32/45             09-May-02  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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use a milisecond to measure calculator and set the release to match the duration you want, say eith note for instance. Then you bring the thresh down until it lowers the volume, then add some gain. play with the ratio . maybe a 1.8, or 2.1. not too high. Attack should be short, but use a medium knee. I'll take a look at my settings and get back. I am at work now.

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Message 33/45             09-May-02  @  02:57 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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i wouldnt compress the whole drum mix at all, it might be that just a pumping comp on the clap gives it that surging return-pump sound you want.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 34/45             09-May-02  @  11:06 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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sarcasim, n. abbr. f. sarcastic simulator, i.e. a person or personlike being that uses sarcasm or something resembling s. to simulate his dreams and/or hopes of greatness as a tool for succeeding at life in general.

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Message 35/45             09-May-02  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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erm..ok, i bow down to your superior knowledge :P

geek :P

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Message 36/45             10-May-02  @  11:53 AM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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Don't go out like that Milan. ;-)

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Message 37/45             10-May-02  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to



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wooops, meant attack should be slow, sorry!

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Message 38/45             14-May-02  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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You're all making this much harder than it has to be, it's really just a question of tweaking, what you are trying to put through the comp, setting your compressor correctly, and setting the amounts of each instrument being sent to trigger the comp's envelope correctly, and then not retriggering it with the wrong stuff, so that it pumps correctly. It's not rocket science, just a little time, and ear training. Good luck.


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Message 39/45             16-May-02  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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"It's not rocket science"

yeah, right, maybe for you it isn't  

well, apparently haven't blown the compressor, just knocked down the pulse wich was triggering it, doh!

does this sound like it?^^^^^
the pumping i mean

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Message 40/45             16-May-02  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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Everything is difficult until you practice enough to get the hang of it. Then it's easy. Would be worse the other way around I guess. The thing is if your compressor isn't made to pump, but you don't know that, it's frustrating and seems like rocket science. Make sure you pick up at least a free compressor like the Blueline comp. Then you'll get the idea pretty quickly.

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