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Subject: 100 best selling...

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Nov-02  @  12:00 AM     Edit: 17-Nov-02  |  12:53 AM   -   100 best selling...

Steve Roughley

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Good to see Queen at No. 3 for Bohemian Rapsody. But putting all those other records together like that and understanding that they are owned by a great deal of the population... I mean... Christ! Psychotic springs instantly to mind.



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Message 31/44             21-Nov-02  @  10:27 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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no real reason why not John...guy has written some AMAZING songs. NO two ways about it...

just cant get with the extravagance.

ever see sting or P.C. lookin all faffy? no. They all write good music but for some reason EJ just has to go that extra mile...scratch that...that extra NAUTICAL MILE;).

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Message 32/44             21-Nov-02  @  11:29 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...

Steve Webster


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Fair enough. I accept your point. :-)

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Message 33/44             21-Nov-02  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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John Wayne was a fag...

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Message 34/44             21-Nov-02  @  11:57 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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nautical? they're all sailors at sea.

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Message 35/44             30-Nov-02  @  06:16 AM     Edit: 30-Nov-02  |  06:19 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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Just read this article in the news:


Elton John trashes new Bond theme

Elton John has branded Madonna's single, "Die Another Day" the worst Bond theme ever, reports London's Sun.

John said movie bosses on the Pierce Brosnan blockbuster would have been better off asking Shirley Bassey, or Sir Elton himself to record a song instead.

"It hasn't got a tune," John said. "James Bond themes are usually very camp and this one's different. It is the worst Bond tune of all time."


Now, I tend to agree with the fellow (though the track is cool and trippy, it definitely doesn't have the cliche lines and general vibe of a Bond theme), but who the flippin' fuck does EJ think he is? And to offer such a humble replacement. This man's arrogance is as amazing as his songs are crap. Why does he have to say anything about Bond the press no less? He has absolutely no authority on the subject.

Maybe he would do better... seeing as all his shit is "camp."

Made me hate'im more. Dumbass...


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Message 36/44             30-Nov-02  @  07:11 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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he was a racist bastard, too. your point is?

like JW was some sort of hero?

not in my world

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Message 37/44             30-Nov-02  @  09:04 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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bond tunes are camp? :-O

mm... a view to a kill... now there´s a james bond tune, eh?  

and sod elton "lookatmeimfriendswiththequeen" john!

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Message 38/44             30-Nov-02  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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worst ever? aha

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Message 39/44             30-Nov-02  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: 100 best selling...


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You can almost hear the Simpsons' Comic Store Owner character saying it.


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Message 40/44             02-Dec-02  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: 100 best selling...

Steve Webster


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Elton John has every right to slate a bond theme. He is one of the british greats you know.

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