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Subject: cubase forums?

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Jan-03  @  02:41 PM   -   cubase forums?


Posts: 12353

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I need a laugh   but they are always down?.. have they moved?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 31/43             09-Feb-03  @  10:51 AM   -   RE: cubase forums?


Posts: 2890

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^ link to uprgade support for mac whatsoever

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Message 32/43             09-Feb-03  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: cubase forums?

man called clay


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this link is great BUT the most reasonable udate/upgrade for me would be to go to cubase SL (currently running 4.0)
and it requires a g4. this is something i'm exploring this year.....a processor upgrade....i'm still not sure if i can do this or whether i have to save for a super new mac. the fine print shows an upgrade to 5.1 is available but only at the store and there the path dies on me. knowah has a version of 5.02 he'd sell me for the price of an upgrade to SL.....then again a 266 g3 is probably slow and so the better upgrade one day is probably what i'll do.
i've just been interested in an upgrade to 4.1 and this hasn't been an option via their site.
i'll call them by phone monday and see if this is possible for now.
any thoughts on 5.1...SL> the stability...have the problems been resolved with 5.1? etc?
SL looks to be quite a creature.

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Message 33/43             09-Feb-03  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: cubase forums?


Posts: 7627

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logic thingy?

you definitely need to upgrade, man.

I know someone selling a G4866 with 160g HD and 768 megs of RAM for $1200

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Message 34/43             09-Feb-03  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: cubase forums?

man called clay


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influx...don't tell me these things!
i'm already soooooo stretching the envelope>
money-wise that is.
been twiddling new absynth sounds and playing along w/ old nearly-finished tracks and will run thru ableton. i'll just have to make do before i get a real rocket. push the path and let me know how it goes.

is that w/monitor?
: ?

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Message 35/43             09-Feb-03  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: cubase forums?

man called clay


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File?:  No file has dynamo for 69bucks right now.
it ain't reaktor but it's got the basics.
and with the user-forums i'm sure you'll get every dime's worth of user-patches to compliment.

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Message 36/43             09-Feb-03  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: cubase forums?


Posts: 7627

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no. no monitor. I dont even know if thats all that good a deal really. not a mac guy so I have NO idea

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Message 37/43             10-Feb-03  @  02:34 AM   -   RE: cubase forums?

man called clay


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pretty good deal actually.
depends on how used that hard drive is i guess.
mac drives are supposed to be fairly reliable...then again....u never know if he tried to get into something with buku space and less speed stability etc.

as for the logic thingy comment....i thought i read somewhere you had emagic logic sitting in a box and hadn't busted it open yet.
maybe i read it wrong.
especially now that you're saying you're a pc-guy...why would you run with e-magic anyway
just as they're turning their backs?

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Message 38/43             10-Feb-03  @  04:02 AM   -   RE: cubase forums?


Posts: 7627

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no logic here. not even in my BRAIN

"mac drives are supposed to be fairly reliable..."

mac doesnt make hard drives  I believe it is a quantum or maxtor?

I will find out. its almost new..inside 6 months or so...

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Message 39/43             10-Feb-03  @  09:48 AM   -   RE: cubase forums?



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the only g4 I opened had an IBM deathstar in it

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Message 40/43             10-Feb-03  @  09:49 AM   -   RE: cubase forums?



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also I thought Ni were doing some deal on reaktor for dynamo users?

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