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Subject: Rave Act Passed in US

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Apr-03  @  08:41 PM     Edit: 11-Apr-03  |  08:52 PM   -   Rave Act Passed in US


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Bush To Sign America’s Anti-Nightlife R.A.V.E. Act

America’s nightlife industry faces an uncertain future
this weekend, after Congress voted to approve the
puritanical RAVE act, meaning crack house laws will
now be applied to all concerts, clubs and music
festivals in the US.

“Property owners can be punished for any drug offence
that their customers commit - even if they work hard to
stop such offences,” warned the Drug Policy Alliance
just hours before the Bill was passed.

“This is likely to deter nightclub and stadium owners
from holding events.”

“Every musical style will be affected, including rock and
roll, Hip Hop, country and electronic music,” they

The bill was passed after Senator Joe Biden sneaked it
into an unrelated Child Abduction Prevention Act,
which allowed the RAVE act to become law without any
hearings, debates or even specific votes being taken by
Congress. Its incredibly draconian terms mean that if
just one person is caught smoking a joint at a public
gathering such as a club, party or concert, the
organisers and property owners can be jailed for 20

target="NEW">drug policy

(helping to save American club culture)

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Message 31/45             14-Apr-03  @  02:23 AM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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All religions are nasty in the sense that they substitute dogma for rational thought.

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Message 32/45             14-Apr-03  @  07:57 AM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 118

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ya got that right Z


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Message 33/45             14-Apr-03  @  12:12 PM     Edit: 14-Apr-03  |  12:36 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I wouldn't say all religions Z. It's primarily the Judaist religions. Hinduism, Buddhism, Shamanistic and Pantheistic (American Indian etc) religions are, despite the extremists, generally peaceful religions and are not dogmatic. At the moment, however, it is the Zionist Jewish religion that is most harmful, and really needs to be controlled. Over the years, it has developed into the most racist and genocidal religion on the planet. And, unfortunately, is receiving alot of backing from other fundamentalist and orthodox Jewish sects. There are, thankfully, many Jews, even within the orthodox religions, that are in complete agreement with this.



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Message 34/45             14-Apr-03  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US



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it's real easy to misinterpret what you wrote, steve. but religion really has little to do with it IMO. it's just a regular old war over land and resources. those zionist and evangelical types are in bed with whoever will join their project of self-aggrandizement. jews vote and have a strategically valuable 'homeland', hence US interest. religions are ideologies and ideology is a way of distracting people from the real question of who holds power and how it is wielded. (ok yeah some rituals and plenty of religious individuals are nice but that's not the point here.)

buddhists and hindus are no better e.g. imperial japan, ongoing india/pakistan conflict.

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Message 35/45             14-Apr-03  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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"jews vote and have a strategically valuable 'homeland', hence US interest"

It is not just international strategy that has caused the US to be so biased here. For example, shortly before 9/11 the US was about to step in and help put an end to the Palestine/Israel conflict, before nearly 10,000 Evangelical Jewish US citizens wrote in and told them to stop, which they did. IMO, this may even have been the action that resulted in 9/11.

I am also aware that nearly every religion on the planet has been responsible for many wars and attrocities, but I am talking about what is happening at this point in time. Imperial Japans religious policies were terrible, especially when it invaded China, but it hardly exists any more. The Jewish religion has been a very pleasant and peaceful religion in the past, but it is currently behaving in a very disgusting manner.

My head hurts! Why do I even start?

I'm gonna stop this and go have a beer  



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Message 36/45             14-Apr-03  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US

Jock Munro

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I dont believe in any religion. I think its a comfort blanket for people who are too scared of death and need to believe in an afterlife. Its for people who cant take responsibility for their own life and need religion to lead them. Its for people who dont have a life and feel they need to be a part of something special. Weak willed people, stupid people, bible bashing sandal wearing beardy people who ring your doorbell when your on the shitter. So you bunny hop down stairs with your trousers round your ankles only to open the door to be pestered by some religous bastard. By the time you get upstairs your arse has dried out and you need to use wet toilet paper to wipe it off.

People can believe in anything they want, but if it gets me off the shitter, or anyone else for that matter, then its not a good thing.

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Message 37/45             14-Apr-03  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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Hey, I have a beard...

And nothing... nothing... should get you off the toilet when you're shitting. That mistake was yours, my friend.


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Message 38/45             14-Apr-03  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


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Politicians in the US will do only what is in the interest of the people who fund their campaigns... As long as that motivation exists, US legislation and foreign policy will be made to benefit corporations, big money investors, and special interest groups.


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Message 39/45             14-Apr-03  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 118

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Jock, Psy......

Thank you so much for giving me much needed laughter.



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Message 40/45             16-Apr-03  @  08:45 AM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 686

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"All religions are nasty in the sense that they substitute dogma for rational thought." Yeah Zazza but that kind of the point, innit?

I remember my semester in a US College.... if the cops busted a house party... everyone jumped out the window and the owner was fined multiplied with the est. number of patrons. Isn't all this just the upgraded version of that law?

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