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Subject: my top 5 albums of 2005

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Dec-05  @  04:27 PM   -   my top 5 albums of 2005


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In order. MY top5.

1. Gorillaz - Demon Days
2. Beck - Guero
3. Nouvelle Vauge - Nouvelle Vauge
4. The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightening, Strike
5. Z - My Morning Jacket

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Message 31/105             14-Dec-05  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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I know, its really humbling to know that when they needed to do track automation on that album - they had to sellotape one pencil across every 6 faders on the mixing desk and control things that way.

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Message 32/105             14-Dec-05  @  08:57 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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...and always put a touch of reverb on the delay return channels

i always used to do that in hardware days. Nice Dom... how d'ya wangle that job?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 33/105             15-Dec-05  @  12:46 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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Dominic wrote:

And he always used 2 Summit compressors over the final mix. I know the guy who mixed Coldplays albums used this technique aswell. Thats all I can remember at the moment.

actually Michael Brauer uses no compression on the 2-mix proper, though he uses a hell of a lot of squeeze everywhere else. An extremely revealing article on his multibuss compression technique lays it all on the line here:

Michael Brauer @ TapeOp

And an excellent guest moderator forum in the archive. Highly recommended reading.

On a different note, I liked Midnight Vultures a lot. It's poppy fizzy, sexual irreverance is pure fun and mayhem... sounds like an album that was a lot of fun to make. Some seriously sick grooves on there too ... (Nicotine and Gravy? come on... that's a great fuckin track!)

Favorite albums of the year? Well as mentioned in another thread, I'm seriously underexposed. Impressed as hell with Jamie Lidell's efforts though. Very original and fun on repeat listens.

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Message 34/105             15-Dec-05  @  02:52 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005



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On a different note, I liked Midnight Vultures a lot. It's poppy fizzy, sexual irreverance is pure fun and mayhem... sounds like an album that was a lot of fun to make. Some seriously sick grooves on there too ... (Nicotine and Gravy? come on... that's a great fuckin track!)

someone heard me inquiring telepahically about this album?
i like beck when he gets poppier...not that i'd ever discourage an artist any other route.
i'll still believe pop and it's fringe is somehow the true testing-ground for what extent they're of use to the larger masses.
just as i believe the best so-called experimental/intelligent(?) music has touches of pop...the best pop always dares to experiment a little....for my tastes at least.

it's nice to hear about this year's music.

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Message 35/105             15-Dec-05  @  09:11 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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Psy - he did/does. It was in Sound on Sound magazine. 4 page interview.

K - fluke really. I did one session with him and then he kept asking the studio manager if I could assist him on his sesson days. i reckon it was the newspaper I used to have ready for him in the mornings that swung it!!!! He is a Mirror man.

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Message 36/105             15-Dec-05  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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On a different note, I liked Midnight Vultures a lot. It's poppy fizzy, sexual irreverance is pure fun and mayhem... sounds like an album that was a lot of fun to make. Some seriously sick grooves on there too ... (Nicotine and Gravy? come on... that's a great fuckin track!)


agreed, the grooves, execution, ideas are sick!! the lyrics are great fun and i love he flits between styles in one song- great live too....he was doing that album when i saw him at reading- started with swamp doing a scratch set and then tghe full ensemble turned up- one of the best shows ive seen....the boy can sing too! 6 octaves or summat silly...


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Message 37/105             15-Dec-05  @  09:33 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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Dom in what way did he compress the verb returns? was it to duck them whilst the drum hits and let the verb suck back up after it? just interested is all...


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Message 38/105             15-Dec-05  @  11:00 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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He used the channel compressors on the Neve reverb returns so just made it sound fatter. Oh and he always used the symphonic chorus patch on the SPX 90 for his hats.

Psy - He used 2 of these patched into each other for the stereo mix. Like the Coldplay mix bod.

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Message 39/105             15-Dec-05  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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the sony jobber? cool-

chorus on hats? hmm interesting.....spose it could give you some shimmer....i often find that those tips you'd think would only be applicable to the electronic/pop domain actually originate from far subtler genres...

the bobyy owskinski book on mixing is great for inspiration...i dont try and copy the mixers tips exactly as i dont have the gear (and the one trick i did try- ny compression technique didnt work) but it does provide some cool possibilties and the q'ing of reverb returns...or making them mono and panning, or using delays instead stuff like that always interests me....

i just wish i had a big fat mixing desk!!


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Message 40/105             15-Dec-05  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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S'true. I've read quite a few articles this year that say its better to try and achieve a sense of space with delays first, then apply reverb. Also alot of authors saying its better to use exciters rather than additive eq. BBE's Sonic Maximers is easily my best purcahse this year. You put that plug in over say a snare track and it completely changes the sample into something that sounds much more pro. Amazing plug-in.

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