aaa Roland sucks - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Roland sucks

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-99  @  03:27 PM   -   Roland sucks


Posts: 81

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not saying i believe this totally, but maybe it will bring some attention to this forum..but maybe roland does truly suck ass compared to

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Message 41/42             08-Jan-00  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks


Posts: 81

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hey, defector, i think that korg's modwhell/pitchbend in one are cool as shit. roland's just plain suck  

just kidding. i don't care. people should buy european, especially german when it comes to dsp synths, then get on with life. my thought. no offense roland users. offense to the company

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Message 42/42             09-Jan-00  @  11:02 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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guys... i think we just lost the Roland contract - :-)..

heh heh - reminds me of a joke - Bernard Matthews, (a huge brit turkey-meat product company owner) goes to see the pope, and says:

"Your Holiness, if you could just change the Lords prayer to say... 'Give us this day our daily TURKEY' ... we'd make alot of money, and we'll give you a million..."
the pope says he can't do that

so Bernard Matthews says the same request, but offers him 5 million... again the pope refuses, and again and again, until Matthews reaches an offer of 20 million $'s, then the pope accepts the ofer and promises he'll change the Lords prayer...

anyways - the Pope call's a meeting of the cardinals, and says: "I got good news and bad news" -

"give us the good news first" says the cardinals...

"ok, we just won a 20 million contract"

"and the bad news?"

"we lost the Hovis account"

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