aaa Can't get my compressor to "pump"! - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: Can't get my compressor to "pump"!

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Original Message                 Date: 08-May-02  @  01:39 PM   -   Can't get my compressor to


Posts: 1128

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All the people I've seen use compressors go for that "nice" sound. I want to get my unit to pump in time with my beats like the dance pro producers do.

How I understand it is that you send the grouped drum track to the stereo compressor and compress with the desired ratio. Then I make sure I have the fastest possible attack and release settings. Then I lengthen the release time until the drums pump (suck in and out) then back it off slightly.

This is what I've been doing but can't get it to work. Any advice?

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Message 41/45             16-May-02  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to



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have you listened to the clip ? it's not pumping at all ?

i use an LA Audio 4x4 by the way.

it seems to work, but it might be a figment of my imagination again. it's getting nearly impossible being me :p

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Message 42/45             16-May-02  @  07:49 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to



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which MAC plug compressors have a sidechain gate?

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Message 43/45             18-May-02  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


Posts: 5701

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yo frosty, i just remembered something. it looks to me like you were trying 1/8th note kick-hat-snare pattern to pump? well try puting hats on each 1/8th or something, that way youŽll be able to notice the pumping effect much better. the thing is, you have to think WHAT exactly are you trying to get the pumping effect on? you see, the compressor is usually trigered by a kick, and with snare to a slightly lesser extent. and its the things which lay _between_ those too that get "pumped". know what i mean? try it...

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Message 44/45             18-May-02  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


Posts: 1345

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but there is no snare in that clip ! but it's ok, since i got the answer i was looking for  

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Message 45/45             19-May-02  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


Posts: 5701

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yeah ok, i listened to it again after posting that. but the point stays the same. anyway, if you sorted it out than all is well...

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