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Subject: So, there's no proof?

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Mar-03  @  04:56 AM   -   So, there's no proof?

Martin S.


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Satan Inside (TM)

So much for the liberals who say there's no proof of terrorist

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Message 41/53             18-Mar-03  @  02:53 AM     Edit: 18-Mar-03  |  02:54 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


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Environmentalist? Where? I didn't notice one.

Except that, I'd rather have the planet survive and all humans DEAD. DEAD DEAD, ALL DEAD.

The idea that human life is somehow intrinsically valuable and worth preserving is something of a myth, don't you think? Well, I'm asking Pongoid anyway. And perhaps Maarten. I think I remember the Errata name as well, from years ago.

Aw fuck it. I've got some potatoes roasting. Or is it potatos? Looks right with the e, but I'm not good at grammar, written word rules, etc.


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Message 42/53             18-Mar-03  @  03:10 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


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if humans=[beings believing themselves to be more important than the universal balance],

then, yah. kill em. twice.


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Message 43/53             18-Mar-03  @  03:11 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


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I mean
kill them

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Message 44/53             18-Mar-03  @  05:29 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?

man called clay


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martin'd better go to ol king george to get your brownie skirt button.....cause ya ain';t gettin nun here budweiser.

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Message 45/53             18-Mar-03  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?

man called clay


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it's kinda like's okay for us to kill our own...but damns if ya comin here to kill my leader.
everyone feels the same on this one.
we'll not be a hero to the iraqis's just natural....forget about it.

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Message 46/53             18-Mar-03  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?



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Totaly agree Pongoid... but this one's in our face right now, so it's getting the words. Like it PERSONIFIES all the BS in one easy to use disposable container, ya know?

Nobody, no one here said humans are more important than anything else. But in our limited perspective some folks have to start with the compassion somewhere, and since we are human.. it's easyest to identify with those. That said, I do somehow see the killing opf children as something far "worse" (in a relative way, as I've said). And 50,000 children dead before the end of Spring time does indeed get my attention!


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Message 47/53             18-Mar-03  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?



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i wonder myself wether people are so keen for this war cos they think it'll be a walkover like last time (prolly will be this time we all expect don't we, frankly?)... but if sadam retaliates with some serious missile based firepower (like, "I've nothing left to loose" type thing) I wonder how ing gung-ho people will be if Allied body bags start to appear on TV in any numbers?

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Message 48/53             18-Mar-03  @  11:40 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


Posts: 1502

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I dont think they are using body bags this time..

Just incinerating the bodies..

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Message 49/53             18-Mar-03  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?


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media friendly fire

trr ch

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Message 50/53             18-Mar-03  @  04:08 PM   -   RE: So, there's no proof?



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the expectation that language make sense internally and refer to the external world in an organized way has evaporated.

or maybe there is no Iraq, and it is only our selves which are supposed to bend.

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