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Subject: Scray shit...

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Aug-05  @  09:56 AM     Edit: 12-Aug-05  |  09:57 AM   -   Where god meets dinosaurs


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Message 41/55             18-Aug-05  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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my only brother just told me how much he loves and appreciates me for taking care of matters.....often to my detriment.
shit....i'll go the distance for a brother's love....especially if he's my ONLY brother.
and she's my ONLY mother.

some guys are just such pussies.

roll call!

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Message 42/55             18-Aug-05  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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it basically comes down to this.
people who lie.
and people who hide.
usually they're one and the same.
people who hide behind the lie.

my client fully understood my need for a day off.
judy's great.

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Message 43/55             18-Aug-05  @  10:43 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Steve Roughley wrote:

Isnt it that viruses have a natural host that they do not harm, its just when they end up in the wrong host that it causes problems?

There are different survival strategies, and if my memory serves me right HIV (or its predecessor) is one of those viruses which cause chronic illness to the animal hosts as well. see:SIV There are other types which can stay alive in different hosts without causing any illness but need a specific one for reproduction (malaria).

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Message 44/55             19-Aug-05  @  01:20 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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is mcc talking to himself again?

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Message 45/55             19-Aug-05  @  04:49 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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ooh yeah very scray that and sorry.
a little reminder why i stopped the drink....especially on full moons.
it does get old.
seriously reminds me of my story about how my mom's brain disengaged right when that car entered our lonely intersection.
it's like here it it comes....okay turn the brain GO!

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Message 46/55             19-Aug-05  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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Police tracked him down from a computer disk to the church where he was lay president of the congregation and arrested him after matching his DNA to old samples from crime scenes.

He said he had a compartmentalised situation where he had social contacts. Thats what he would call his family and people at church, Captain Sam Houston testified. And he would, under Factor X, be the serial killer.

Detectives said the former dog-catcher, who started torturing animals as a child, told them he used a squeeze ball to strengthen his grip after finding his hands turned numb when he strangled people.

Its rough. They dont go down like in the movies, Rader told police after his arrest in February. As evidence of his fascination with bondage, the prosecution showed the court a photograph Rader had taken of himself wearing womens tights and a bra.

They also projected slides of photographs he had taken of his collection of bondage paraphernalia.

The prosecution said that Rader fantasised that his victims would become his sex slaves in Heaven.

A husband and wife he murdered were to become his bodyguard and bathroom attendant in his S&M Heaven, while their young son would serve as a sex valet and their 11-year-old daughter was destined to be his star young maiden. A later female victim was to be his sexual bondage girl in the afterlife, another his mistress.

Rader, who served in the US Air Force before marrying in 1971, began his murder spree in 1974 with the killing of the Otero family. He kept notes on all his projects.

He said he picked Josephine Otero because of her Hispanic background. He called her Project Little-Mex. Intending to tie up the girl and her mother for a thrill, he found the brother at their house as well. After strangling her family, he took Josephine to the basement and hanged her from the neck so that the tips of her toes could just touch the ground.

He told her: Honey, youre going to be in Heaven tonight with the rest of your family. She finally lost the strength to support herself.

Three surviving Otero siblings, who were not at home that day, attended the hearing.

You are such a coward, Carmen Otero Montoya told Rader. Its amazing to me that you could be so cruel to a sweet, beautiful little child.

# Dennis Rader is a husband and father of two grown-up children
# Nicknamed himself BTK for his preference of binding, torturing and killing his victims
# Murdered ten people aged nine to 62 in their homes between 1974 and 1991
# Played cat and mouse with police by sending letters, crime scene photographs and jewellery to the media
# Lived in a suburb of Wichita, Kansas, the area terrorised by the killings
# Was the local animal control officer and the president of his Lutheran church

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Message 47/55             19-Aug-05  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...

The Moujik

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Rags - malaria isn't caused by a virus.

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Message 48/55             19-Aug-05  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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The Moujik wrote:

Rags - malaria isnt caused by a virus.

yeah, that's right, its not.
well, at least I can use this new animated "duh.gif"

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Message 49/55             19-Aug-05  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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"The question is how much damage will be done before we start taking concrete action," Mr McCain said at a press conference in Anchorage. "Go up to places like we just came from. It's a little scary." Mrs Clinton added: "I don't think there's any doubt left for anybody who actually looks at the science. There are still some holdouts, but they're fighting a losing battle. The science is overwhelming."

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Message 50/55             20-Aug-05  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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s'funny thing religion cos if you were going to write a book about 'The prime force of evil' working a massive 'grand deception' over the world, then the classic dupe would be for humans to all busily be following 'Good' and thinking they are following 'God' and all thinking they are working against evil when in fact this act of adhering to 'God' is actualy the one thing that stops them from actualy being peaceful & living in harmony... sortoff classic double wammy stuff straight out of Revelations

damn!... where's John Grisham when you need him, lol

trouble is, you cant ban religion so we're fucked basicly forever  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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