aaa HELP!!!!! ES2 is severely screwed! - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: HELP!!!!! ES2 is severely screwed!

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Jul-02  @  11:06 AM     Edit: 25-Jul-02  |  11:08 AM   -   HELP!!!!! ES2 is severely screwed!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I am having major problems with my ES2. The problem:

Having used the ES2 for 2 days everything was running fine, and it sounded great! Then all of a sudden I load up my PC and Load up logic play a track I have been working on and the ES2 sounds like my kitchen sink garborator! I rebooted Logic and it sounded different but still crap! Now everything that I created with the ES2 sounds like shit! This is only happening with the ES2. Not with the ES1 or EXS24 (Allthough I haven't tried the EVOC). After contacting Emagic they suggested re-installing Logic, which I tried. That didn't work so I have just re-installed my entire OS (as suggested by Emagic support) and that worked for another 2 days then the ES2 reverted to spitting out garbled noise sounds.

I have the recent drivers for all of my hardware and have installed SP2 for Win2K so all is up to date. Everything on my PC runs beautifully except the ES2. I have checked on InfoWeb and various forums but it appears that I am the only person with this problem. Could somebody PLEASE help me? This is an absolute nightmare!

FYI, the other software that I have on the PC is:
Sonitus Plugins (Updated to R3)
Waves Gold Bundle
Sound Forge 4.5
Ohm Force OhmBoyz delay (VST)

My System is as follows:

Win2K Pro (SP2) Dual-Boot;
LAP5.1.3 (via updates from Logic 4.0);
Gigabyte GA-7DXR (AMD 761 north-bridge) BIOS F9;
AMD T-Bird 1.4Ghz 266FSB;
512MB DDR RAM PC2100;
Audiowerk 8 Audio I/F;
Matrox G550 (Millenium) AGP Card;
21" Dell monitor, 19" Viglen Monitor;
IBM Deskstar 7200rpm ATA100 120GXP 40GB HDD (IDE channel 1);
Fujitsu 7200rpm ATA100 40GB HDD (IDE channel 3 W/ onboard Promise ATA100 Controller);
LG CDRW (IDE channel 2);

Thankyou in advance!


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Message 51/53             11-Nov-03  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: HELP!!!!! ES2 is severely screwed!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Well you MUST get a legal copy. That is all I have to say on that matter.

As for the soft-synth problem, I found it was due to the Gigabyte GA7DXR. I found 4 others who had this problem and all of them were using the GA7DXR or DXR+. When I changed my mobo the problem disappeared. Shame as it was a damned good board otherwise.



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Message 52/53             18-Nov-03  @  10:22 PM   -   RE: HELP!!!!! ES2 is severely screwed!



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This may well be totally uselless info but have you tried older versions of logic like 4.8 as
when i moved from 4.8 to 5.0 and upwards my sample tank free went from good to utter
garbled digital shit and totally useless.

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Message 53/53             19-Nov-03  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: HELP!!!!! ES2 is severely screwed!



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intresting.. when i upgraded, my sample tank went from garbled digital shit to totally useless.. i was lucky if i could hear some distorted digital noises instead of an instrument - because most of all it was silent. ik multimedia aren't my friends.

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