aaa surrealist fun for all the family - The lounge forums
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Subject: surrealist fun for all the family

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Oct-02  @  03:38 PM   -   surrealist fun for all the family



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"steef is a teddybear that cannot be removed
from your house! It is made from recycled
cardboard and recites haiku."


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Message 51/54             27-Oct-02  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: surrealist fun for all the family


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you mean he actually tatooed that smile across that poor little dog's anus? I'm not one of those lovey dovey animal activists or anything, but surely there are less cruel ways to satisfy your artistic needs. Damn, that's wrong.


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Message 52/54             27-Oct-02  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: surrealist fun for all the family


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it's probably henna or something. either way it's hardly surreal putting wings on a pig, first idea that came into his head no doubt. how about a frying pan, engraved with the words "i love porky, he's my friend and dinner"?

not that that's surreal either  

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Message 53/54             27-Oct-02  @  08:33 PM   -   RE: surrealist fun for all the family


Posts: 6231

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actually, if you can find some way to put some cruelty in your artwork, you'll find it's much easier to do it for longer than you thought possible!

sorry my previous comment was a bit off tempo but i was hung up on the way the dog looks like a forlorn spaceman like he just got his ass wrongfully tattooed before i saw (what i naturally took to be marker)

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Message 54/54             27-Oct-02  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: surrealist fun for all the family


Posts: 7627

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whoa marianimal..never took you for the over-sensitive type!

I was completely just jokin. ass and face..reminded me of the smartass comment people used to toss when youd ask for a match

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