aaa DDX3216 - Too good to be true? - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Apr-02  @  03:15 AM   -   DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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This mixer seems really cool for the price - I was looking at an 01v, but now... Hmmm...

Anybody had a play with this thing?? Whadaya think??


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Message 51/66             13-May-02  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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oh yeah, thanks for the mini review  

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Message 52/66             13-May-02  @  07:04 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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try ebay for the card.

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Message 53/66             13-May-02  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


Posts: 215

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Ta, I'll give it a go.

I've emailed Behringer .US and .DE to see if they can shed any light on the goofy card thing.

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Message 54/66             14-May-02  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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is there an eq on the internal fx returns? The o1v lacks this.

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Message 55/66             14-May-02  @  08:44 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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eh? no eq on the returns?

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Message 56/66             14-May-02  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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I actually just started using the fx on my o1v when I got low on cpu, but on the two internal fx, there is not an eq or dynamics for them. Just the two knobs to control return level.

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Message 57/66             14-May-02  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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know your gear.

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Message 58/66             14-May-02  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


Posts: 215

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There is no dedicated EQ on the returns.

But, theoretically, you could route sends from channels from 1-16 into the internal fx and then route them back through channels 17-32 via the bus and use their Channel EQ, compressors and limiters You would lose the other 16 channels, though. I'm not totally sure about this, but looking at the manual, it seems absolutely possible. The routing on this thing is crazy.  

The best part is the 2 expansion cards. I could install a pair of adat or tdif cards which have 16 digital inputs and outputs on each. I could reroute the 4 aux sends and returns through one of the digital cards and then I'd have two digital stereo pairs of 24 bit aux sends and returns. I'm, thinking of hooking up a Lexicon to this baby.  

With 2 cards installed you can have:

32 channels digital input, 32 channels digital output, 16 channels analogue input, four digital aux sends and returns.

Great, flexible console. Just wish that card problem wasn't so.


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Message 59/66             14-May-02  @  06:35 PM     Edit: 14-May-02  |  06:43 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Ok milan, then how do you eq the the fx unit then? help me know my gear
smart ass!

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Message 60/66             14-May-02  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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erm... ever tried the "sel" button underneath where it says "return 1"? and then the little high/hi-mid/lo-mid/low buttons where it says "EQ"?

man, i dont get it. you splash out on an 01v, and then dont even check the most basic funcions like that.

you really oughta RTFM more often, and in depth :P

actually, i was just kidding beforehands. you need ProTools(tm) if you want to EQ your FX returns :P

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