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Subject: RIAA wants you!

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Jul-03  @  06:01 PM   -   RIAA wants you!


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^ look

* if i remember correctly, in the first three months of this year music sales increased in the uk.

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Message 51/116             05-Aug-03  @  11:40 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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there be pirates! ^

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Message 52/116             05-Aug-03  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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Just have lots of kids and raise them with love if you do a good job you won't have to worry about a pension.

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Message 53/116             05-Aug-03  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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isn't there a law about underage working p, P

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Message 54/116             05-Aug-03  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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In order to "make" 40,000 a year to pay for one's living expenses one must achieve this through profits from one's business. In other words, a touring act must make $40,000 above and beyond the cost of touring and recording. Am I stupid here. WTF is so difficult to understand? Sorry kids but these are very simple ideas and its going to be a rude awakening when, at the age of 50 or so, you realize that you can't afford to pay a doctor to stick a finger up your ass on a regular basis much less pay for the cancer treatment after its discovered too late.

"Grow the hell up, and stop being so idealistic!"

Whatever. This has become a pointless debate for me.

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Message 55/116             05-Aug-03  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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I think influx was saying 40,000 a year gross pay should be sufficient, given the vast majority of people in the world don't make even this. I agree.


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Message 56/116             05-Aug-03  @  10:10 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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and no one told you to grow up, Mick. It seemed as though that was what you were saying

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Message 57/116             05-Aug-03  @  10:35 PM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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hey, whoa... right! i wasn't telling anyone to grow up! That's what i heard you saying... I suspect you know that... I put it in quotes...

I totaly get the point.. i just don't agree. I think that a lot of that is what makes the mess... but then, I'm not a capitalist! Not sure why you'd get angry just because we don't see eye to eye.

it's the Ant and the Grasshoper, isn't it? I suppose, once you've hoarded all your nuts you'll be damned if your taxes will pay for my healthcare needs as well.

We have a fundamental disgreement here of how things SHOULD be. So what?

That all said, I totaly understand and agree with your point about the money. $40,000 after costs... absolutely, reasonable, exceptable! Because as a few of us have said, there's nothing wrong with selling what you do to make a living... and if I have a day job, my tracks won't go where I want them... won't be what i want them to be.

The point here, is (I think) that folks like Ani are maing more than that magic number, now aren't they? Significantly more... and there's the rub... greed is ugly, but it's even uglier when it's couched in something altruistic.


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Message 58/116             06-Aug-03  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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Enron all those unfortunate people who invested in the idea of future security learnt the hard way that there is no such thing as security.If I live to be so old that my health starts failing I'd rather put my faith in some able bodied adults who care deeply for me looking after me than into an insurance company that would prefer that I died with no cost to them.

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Message 59/116             06-Aug-03  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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ignoring what you need you can justify any amount based on future earnings, how many of these big k puppies will be churning that regular..., so they need more NOW dammit. And then if I employ some market guy I can more than cover his costs with extra profits, then I can have a stylist who makes sure I stay top of the earners - see where this goes

Rules of economics 1: there is no enough

I was at a consolodated gig and on the 'pass the mic session' someone complained that the t shirts were 10 pounds, so the lead singer said, make them a fiver for the night.

An Mick "Market will bare" hahahahahahaha

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Message 60/116             06-Aug-03  @  01:22 AM   -   RE: RIAA wants you!


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heh. consolidated. havent heard that shit in a long time

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