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Subject: my top 5 albums of 2005

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Dec-05  @  04:27 PM   -   my top 5 albums of 2005


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In order. MY top5.

1. Gorillaz - Demon Days
2. Beck - Guero
3. Nouvelle Vauge - Nouvelle Vauge
4. The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightening, Strike
5. Z - My Morning Jacket

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Message 51/105             16-Dec-05  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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you knows it.

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Message 52/105             16-Dec-05  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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yes that 'final shake' is very cool, hadn't noticed that before - it doesnt work too well on white Bg tho


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 53/105             16-Dec-05  @  12:21 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


Posts: 399

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psy i think ive just found my new avi!! that is v cool and im going to try and included it in at least three sentances a day.....hehe


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Message 54/105             16-Dec-05  @  02:30 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005



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i know about the monkey>being born the year of.
it's like these million cars in southern cali with these decals of this little sombrero-wearing guy
pissing on this.... silly shit.
if not very original it does let us know something about the owner.

now what name change?
you mean lala gondola~?
how'd you hear about that?!

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Message 55/105             16-Dec-05  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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its an icon my football team use ( a pompey fan pissing on a saints shirt ) so yeah i not only like it but wants it!!


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Message 56/105             16-Dec-05  @  06:58 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005



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sounds religious to me.
funny also is the fact that the same outfit making the famous sombrero pee-pee boy also make their little guy humbling bowing to the cross.
or.....better yet pissing on the darwin's evolution-lizard.

if we're talking urination...i prefer those fully-clothed germans you run across on the net
(in my case) quite frequently.
some of those girls are so absolutely polished.

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Message 57/105             17-Dec-05  @  12:21 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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a pompey fan pissing on a saints shirt
heh heh


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 58/105             17-Dec-05  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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k wrote:

yes that final shake is very cool, hadnt noticed that before - it doesnt work too well on white Bg tho

Then use "ghost" ya ninny.... that should be the default DT colors anyway. IMNSHO

and why must you have such a passionate opinion on everything clay. I want my damn pissing monkey, what's it to ya?

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Message 59/105             18-Dec-05  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005

lala gondola


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was that passionate? that's odd coming from scorp.
one thing that differentiates us is that mine rarely runs below the surface.
nothing worse than repressed=emotion....but if it's thee monkey we're excited about....ah...shit man...
ask santy....he's a giver.
as in...give.
i guess i shouldn't be surprised...nor should you.

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Message 60/105             18-Dec-05  @  05:58 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005

lala gondola


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of course if i'm getting paid.....then work is different.

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