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Subject: Pay attention we're everywhere

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Original Message                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:32 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  12:34 AM   -   Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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That's my bike (what's left of it) wedged so tight beneath that truck that when he pulled back into his lane he dragged my bike with him. This is what happens when a driver doesn't pay attention. I was no more than 30 feet in front of him when he proceeded to make a left hand turn across my lane. My bike is a total loss because someone wasn't keeping their eyes on the road. I limped away from it with a few injuries (so far) and hopefully only a week or so layed up but it could have been different in so many ways. Pay attention folks because motorcyclists are everywhere and, for the motorcyclist, there is no such thing as a minor accident.

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Message 61/70             24-May-03  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 6231

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"oh, you mean that device is exactly that shape and colour??"

couldn't have just told us about it, had to put up a big "who's the richest man in the world?" "well it's me, isn't it?" picture.

you might have a porsche, but i'm faster.

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Message 62/70             24-May-03  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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hey!... around town a f*ckin pushbike's faster than a porche!  

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Message 63/70             27-May-03  @  03:12 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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leave it to xoxos for the digs

not rich here, i've eaten processed cheese amid roaches most of my life.

it's all a grand illusion thanks to Fuji camera's.

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Message 64/70             27-May-03  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 6231

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then why the hell do you want to post a fuckin huge inconsiderate, uninformative and thus totally worthless picture that takes ten minutes to download? because you're a thoughtless twat, is that it?

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Message 65/70             27-May-03  @  04:42 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 7627

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old "beef" dies slow, eh?

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Message 66/70             27-May-03  @  06:57 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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hey, i'm on broadband, and i still think that picture's too big  

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Message 67/70             27-May-03  @  10:38 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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old "beef" dies slow, eh?


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Message 68/70             27-May-03  @  06:42 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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There are many decafienated brands that are just as tasty.

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Message 69/70             27-May-03  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 154

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[image file]

I like the picture. I think you're all a bunch of thoughtless
decafinated old beef twats.

that's called taking the piss right? ;-)

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Message 70/70             27-May-03  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 890

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Dan... some fine bikes on show!

Always wanted one, but never got around to it, so I got tattooed instead! I figure a safer option!

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