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Subject: Matrix Reloaded

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-03  @  01:05 PM   -   Matrix Reloaded


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Ok.. caught a link to the Superbowl trailer for this on Aint it Cool news and I gotta admit, it looks pretty fucking impressive... that AND the teaser for the Hulk...

Any thoughts?

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Message 81/90             24-May-03  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence


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I saw it the day after it came out...I had tickets the night but ing traffic I swear to god I hate dc...

Acting is just like the one before, there isn't acting so it's not that tough.

Special Effects: Mindblowing. Almost makes you think that it has too much..except for a few things like when trinity decides to fall out of a building backwards, her guns look ghetto (not to mention that she fires WAY too many rounds out of two guns as she is falling in oh maybe 5 seconds..PLEASE). And the polefight scene with the 600 agents- fake looking and not to mention lame.

Action sequences: Pretty cool..took some shit to a whole new level, definatley with the one on one scenes. I think they got too rolled up with the idea of multiperson fighting which kinda gets tiring. Slow motion is done way too much and is more obvious as a cover up than for glorification of the movie. Ever wonder why they NEVER did one of those impossible jumps in fast mode? The weapons are finally cool than those stupid ing really sick of em in the first one and now they are using weapons that take skill, and they obviosly did some training for them.

Music: Decent..the first one was much better with the musical timing. The music in some of the fighting scenes and some of the original scores sucked major ass.

Plot: Just like the first one, there really isn't a plot, just an idea that they somewhat creativley use in this one. The plot is again a cheesey love story with nearly everything visually raped off of other movies. Then the idea is more expanded...and tries to tackle a theme that the directors really do not understand as well as they should, since they are making the movie and all.

There was way too much shit that should have been cut out of it. The sex scene which tries to grasp a deeper meaning is gratuitous and USELESS to the plot, not to mention the camera zooming on on random bitchtits during the "tribal dance scene" where they played some lame 4/4 music that didn't fit. They are obvioulsy trying to get more risky for some stupid reason with this one. They are also emphasizing the cause and effect plot which was weak and DEFINATLEY overdone with the useless orgasm cake scene.

It didn't have the same feeling as the first one- it was out of place, the dirty scenes were stupid, overdone, usless to the fundamentals of the movie. It was one of those LETS MAKE MONEY NOW movies and it really showed it.

When I walked out of the theater, I was bitching and complaining about how much I hated the movie. But after you think about it for a while, it does grow on you, but only its entertainment facter- nothing more.


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Message 82/90             24-May-03  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence


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wow i dont think i spelled one word right in that one hahaha

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Message 83/90             26-May-03  @  03:35 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Absorb Fish

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You know the one thing i didn't like about the movie? Well 2 but anyways. In the first one, all of the ppl on the ship had a very mysterious cover on them as if they don't show any emotions. They kinda lost that in the second film. I don't know why but the mystery behind the characters is what i liked alot about the first. The other thing that i didn't like from the movie was the pointless rave scene. If they are going to need 2 movies to fit this huge story, they might as well cut out the pointless scenes.

"And the polefight scene with the 600 agents- fake looking and not to mention lame."
I found this scene wicked funny especially when he wacks them off like with a bat. Kinda cartoonish i guess.

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Message 84/90             26-May-03  @  03:44 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence

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yeah looked like japanese animation haha

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Message 85/90             26-May-03  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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looks like Mortal Kombat from the trailer. Hope it looks better in the film, but from all accounts it doesn't.

Still waiting for the wife to stay awake through the first one (only her second viewing since the theater.... but she has a problem with pot and movies), but I do intend to see the second one just like all the other Americans.


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Message 86/90             26-May-03  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Watching it with low expectations I was kinda hoping to react pleasantly surprised and think: "Hey it wasn't so bad" Still I have to struggle to find something I really liked. Either it had the really light toyish elements like the cave scenes, which has too much of a star wars community of a rebel people and their strange ancient laws. Or it was so profound and deep you just sat in the theater looking at your friend who was equally baffled, as in the white suit old dude. The movie also committed the cardinal sin of a sequal: repeating the best bits of the first one: i.e. The Oracle scene. the newly liberated kid.

Any good news? Sure I liked the timely French snob and Mr. Smith is still my favorite.

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Message 87/90             27-May-03  @  08:41 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Saw it.. more of the same.. which depending on how you felt about the matrix is either a good thing or a bad thing. Sure enough, I felt it was just MORE of the story rather than a sequel. Pages 111-222 in a 333 page novel as it were...

A LOT will depend on whether Revolutions resolves all of the things they're attempting to lay down in this film.. if it doesn't.. file the whole lot under "Good SFX test"..  

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Message 88/90             27-May-03  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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"white suit old dude" aka Colonel Sanders

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Message 89/90             29-May-03  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Little Ronnie Hubbard


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Lived in a cupboard.

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Message 90/90             29-May-03  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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UT2003 player?

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