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Subject: the force is strong with this one

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  12:28 AM   -   the force is strong with this one


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fat kid + star wars = greater than a sum of its parts.

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Message 81/163             11-May-03  @  03:03 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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nevertheless's an academic and miniscule one in the larger scheme of things beyong human concern.

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Message 82/163             11-May-03  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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"If you choose to be fat, I choose to look down upon you for it. " - how short sighted of you P. Talk about easy scores, the ones you can see. In scotland we have (had?) religoeus hatred cos there were little/no other skin colours to have the more usual racism flavour of hatred

"A person with food has the choice to be gluttonous or not. A person without it has no choice." and if governments choose who is fed...?

"I don't get on people for conditions they are born with like birth defects, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, endowment, because those are not choices. " - what of the stupid or those who's upbringing didn't let them see the world as they could have had - do you sit patiently with these people and while away your life. No. You make decisions based on experience and peer review like most everyone but as I said you neglect the unseen in favour of the obvious. "Check the aura on that bird, whoooaaar?"

"...endowment," hahahahahaha - now i see

" I think we're bigger than that!" - indeed the further away the smaller it is - Here I am, large as life - but thin, DON'T think for a second my ego has ANY weight issues

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Message 83/163             11-May-03  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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don't liken yourself to me. You're not like me. Sure, it's an easy mark, cuz it's obviously a choice. I cap on people for being religious zealots too. Maybe you need to read the "Anti-religious sons of bitches" thread. If you like me now, you'll LOVE me after that. Are you trying to tell me that I should look up to people who are fat? Am I supposed to just pity them and pooh-pooh them, and just let them be martyrs of some horrible conspiracy to make a few greedy people very rich by convincing others that they should spend money on shit to eat instead for food? Am I supposed to say "Oh dear...your self-image is so low. You poor thing, it's no wonder wittew sawwy tinky winky tender thing can't bring him/herself to get up on that mean old exercise bike. Did that big bad box of chocolates just jump into your lap again?"? Fuck that. You want to just let folks be victims and not give them the respect of treating them as something other than simply a weakling/ignoramus with no choice about how they themselves treat their bodies??

I'm not like that at all with women, so please keep that shit to yourself.

No, your ego definately weighs in.


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Message 84/163             11-May-03  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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"Are you trying to tell me that I should look up to people who are fat?"

I think that simply not hating them upon first sight would be a good first step.

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Message 85/163             11-May-03  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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"Are you trying to tell me that I should look up to people who are fat?" No I'm saying it doesn't exist, except in minds bent by Hollywood and recent fashion.

Your junk food argument is good except fatness has been around for ever, in the old days it was a mark of success, an indicator to women of a successful male, and from art up to the 19thC sensuous even, check your totems. As for how you treat your body - isn't it up to the individual, OK is interested but so is every resteraunteur and IF it hurts your eyes then maybe you can come off like the fat police, but really there are so many sounds that hurt my ears, so i don't listen

Why bother with this..? Apart from the exersize (my only exertion), it's becuase of your expression of strong emotion (here and more recently elsewhere) - your a smart bloke, seemingly connected, you know well enough that shows you have a problem, all of these words are talking to yourself, thats fine an all but the tones hard and some people are getting hurt - not least yourself - Hate is not a motivator, well not to this liberal anyway. Check out Findlay Quaye - Ride on an turn the people on (Maverick a Strike)"...the higher the more, the stronger the harder, Do you see it?"

And this "...endowment," line you used - who mentioned dick size? I can understand liposuction but that..., something you want to share?

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Message 86/163             12-May-03  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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it's impossible to not make a distiction between that which is intelligent and that which is purely intellectual. so often the intellectual can be so brilliant, in a cerebral manner....and yet the heart which also listens> can easily hear the wrongness of what's being suggested.
it don't take a brain to know when something's amiss in the realm of that which is goodness.

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Message 87/163             12-May-03  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Psil, I don't wish that all fat people would die or suffer or anything like that, because that would be pretty lame, however, think that by simply ignoring their problem, or coddling them or telling them that it is ok at all supports their choices to be fat in some ways, and by saying that it's not their fault at all is like saying that it wasn't really them sticking that food in their mouths, chewing it and swallowing it.

Your head-in-the-sand view is somewhere between sorry, and laughable. Your idea that I should share it is even more laughable.

"No I'm saying it doesn't exist, except in minds bent by Hollywood and recent fashion." This is bullshit and you are in denial of a real problem. You are not from the states, and as far as I can tell you don't live here...SO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT JACK SHIT THAT HAPPENS HERE apart form the sorry ass slanted view that the media spoon feeds you?

"Your junk food argument is good except fatness has been around for ever, in the old days it was a mark of success..." These are not the old days, and folks do not need to store their excesses like they used to. People also did not know much about the reality of the strains it puts on so many different parts of the body by being fat in those days.

"As for how you treat your body - isn't it up to the individual....Ok, but, and...." No, not corp. will try to influence like anybody trying to take advantage, but in the end they are not holding the fat person down and stuffing their mouths with the shit food.

What makes you think I have a problem except my discomfort and shame that I must endure when travelling outside the country and deal with the image that fat people have been so kind as to win my countrymen?

As for your interest in my endowment, how grade-school. I wouldn't put my thing near your hairy spotty ass anyhow, so what do you care about my endowment? If you're hoping that I'll admit to some kind of shortage, or that I'm jealous of normal guys, your hopes will be dashed. I'm above average, and comfortable with that. I don't have to wave it in peoples' faces, or chide them for things they had no choice in, so why are you trying to do that? I'll tell you simply why. Because you feel like being a fucking asshole too, so now go look in the mirror and be proud of the fact that you just got caught at it. You just had to go for the bait. You didn't ask me about my skin color, or my health, or anything else to do with my birth, just went right for it. tsk tsk tsk. There are others who can attest to me not having a problem in this area. I'm not even going to ask you about any of these things, cuz like I said, they are not things you had a choice about being born into, so why would they be things to judge you by?

Yeah I'm rubbing your face in it. Hope you feel shamed now, and you'll just shut up, but I know your ego won't let you, so what's next?

You or somebody else gonna continue to try to tell me I'm just hateful, and I'm wrong to say that people should be held accountable for their choices? That people that live in places where one can become fat don't have any possibility to learn about fat before they can do anything about it? Gonna try to tell me that being fat isn't a completely reversable process, strictly by acts of will alone?


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Message 88/163             12-May-03  @  04:02 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Try this one.....


No one cares any more what you think about this subject, we all know how you feel. So stop waving your "above average" cock around, because you've heard everyone else's opinion as well. You are the one dragging this out further and further.

This subject is closed, and the more assinine opinions you share on this subject, the more you'll be attacked, so just quit while you think you're ahead.

That's MY opinion.


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Message 89/163             12-May-03  @  04:50 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Trill, are you fat?

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Message 90/163             12-May-03  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

man called clay


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whatever the girl's body-style.....ape.....her music and voice is huge!
like i said before....i could never hear it in yours.

it was obvious to me in about 2-minutes...when reading your interview...that mr. superfly was not so fly. even asking you a simple question amounted to you basically avoiding the question and turning it into an attack on my audacity to question thou art holiness. only later did i realize this was your style to many an adherent of their own thoughts.
you're a simple...self-defeating mechanism who's had to come back to dt to solicit opinion....certainly not favor...nor favorable....
and it makes me, again....sad to see you stoop to such unprovoked levels of childishness. and that you would somehow bring this upon yourself...and us with you.

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