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Subject: 60 Minutes does it again...

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-02  @  04:08 PM   -   60 Minutes does it again...



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Well, be it known to the doubters that Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon are in fact funding Arafat's desire for genocide.

The American magazine show "60 Minutes" aired a 25 minute piece detailing the captured of the Ramallah compound's secret documents by Israeli Intelligence.

Iraq supplies oil to Arafat. He later then sells it to would-be buyers taking a cut off the top and returning the funds back to Iraq.

Iran supplies the military training and hardware, directing and dictating were the murderous bombings should be carried out.

hehe, Gore debated Bush and said Iran and Iraq have nothing to do with this...haha, what an lemming. He'd do better in Russia.

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Message 91/124             04-Oct-02  @  02:35 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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swanofnever: 'let's say we travel back in time (pre-WWII) with a bomb that will blow up a single building. inside the building are hitler/etc, and X totally innocent people. how large does X have to be before it's no lonnger justifiable to destroy the building? greater than zero? greater than the number of WWII-related deaths? '

Read 'Making History' by Stephen Fry which has this exact dilemma as the plot.. hehe.. and they do go back in time and kill Hitler during the first world war.. and return to find the US is being run by .....

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Message 92/124             04-Oct-02  @  03:09 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...

John Galt Blew Me

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from a 3rd world citizen's view, swanofnever's suggestion about the obliteration of NA would be a pretty good thing... they could just move right in, and start livin' the USA... what fun. make a great tv show. careful with the bombs, guys! ha ha wacky!

I think the groundwork for change is in that kernel of constitution, but change seems to occur in glacial time for most people's tastes... institutions like govt. and religion are forever playing catch up to how a progressive people really feel.... someday Arab women will rejoice.

it's the rule of law that really matters in the USA... laws are easy to make, but hard to change...

ayn rand was an 'objectivist' (I think)... I heard they are kind of discredited among the serious set...

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Message 93/124             04-Oct-02  @  04:11 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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I never even got to the who is john galt answer. I read the fountainhead a while back cuz someone told me I reminded them of H.R. and I said BAH

then I tried to read atlas shrugged and it showed me the true light that Rand was yet another smug self important intellectual who thought she had i all figgered out.

objectivism. whatever

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Message 94/124             04-Oct-02  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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Self fulling prophecy. How come they are never teeny weeny little unimportant prophesies - like "stub toe on door" etc (reincarnation gag from Bull Durham). So (thinking of duel thread) i expect the profecy was not "a man will die on the grass of the white house with second looking forward to payy rise" - sad really cos if it is a personal thing then they should sort it personally

Gluttony is relative - if 'enough' can be estimated/implied then you will need more for tomorrow. Story - I was pissed up talking last night about how baby knows the sing song of the language and fills over the 'humming' with more words as she gets older. OK. If this is so then we all speak baby talk. Our ability to converse is from the sing song - the words make it easier. Whats the point. We never leave baby talk - we talk our experienced version, gluttony is relative, like the mathematical infinity between 0 and 1 (and 2 etc)

Bombing building Q is fair - I say Ability to influence future events, including those people who would travel back in time and blow up buildings;). As to HOW they influence events - thats the tricky one. I have a mate who says (if he could) he would become the most powerful man ever and then publically carry out attrocities of hideous proportions and do all of these things in sight of the world using his power to protect himself. He recons that in the end mankind would rise up and destroy him without law or gov, and in doing this they would come together to make a better future in their public spirited-ness. So knowing this and doing this - should my mate be put in the building? (Check out Dennis Potter play??? and Watchmen)

Making change is difficult, how many here would rather not smoke cigarettes?, in the faith thread there was much about parents giving opinion to the offspring, so generational time scales would be relevant. Is change possible when your idea of a perfect world changes. Again, is it our understanding of the changing world OR a changing world that we respond to?

What to do - large stimulus over short time creating more explosive change, lower stimulus over longer time sculpting change with feedback possibly going nowhere. Or is democracies' fixed elected term reducing the possibility of long term change from a planned strategic level. Maybe this whole thing is such a boom (forgive the pun) cos he might only have 5 years to finish the job - if so, what is the job that needs to have so much done just 2 years into the term. Of course it also be that all of the powers that be don;t give a twit and ARE just self serving shells without interest in the common good

Will any of this - any of us ever make any difference

My karma just ran over your dogma
Beep beep

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Message 95/124             04-Oct-02  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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cheddar...where are you from?

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Message 96/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:46 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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from a night on the piss and week of hard work

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Message 97/124             04-Oct-02  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...

Def Z


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Influx - the whole "America has it's faults, as do Americans, but still has redeeming qualities" thing. Sounds like you're moving to MY side of the fence. Welcome to the objective side of the force... ;-)

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Message 98/124             04-Oct-02  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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just because you're interpolated between two perceived extremes, doesn't mean a bit of wank really. except half-befuddled and got no balls  

cheddar ave timothy leary

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Message 99/124             04-Oct-02  @  03:18 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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the problem with solving the problem by killing the people who are causing the problem is that that is the problem itself.

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Message 100/124             04-Oct-02  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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you're ignoring the fact that it eliminates the problem knowa. i'm dead serious here, so don't try and mix up words all clever like. a serial killer and someone who executes them are both technically killers, but beyond that, the similarity ends. just because you live in new jersey.

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