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Subject: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK

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Original Message 1/17             07-Jan-05  @  10:19 AM   -   d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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well well - from Music Week

Download singles outstrip CDs

A landmark has been reached as sales of legal download singles overtake sales of physical CD singles for the first time in the UK.

i dunno if that is soley based on January 2005 sales or what, i dont subscribe to MW.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/17             07-Jan-05  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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thats good.... i've started buying music over the net lately and it makes more sense to buy 10 tunes from 10 different artists that you *really* like, than a cd where you might like 3 or 4 tunes in total in addition to having to pay for shipping an then wait for weeks for it to arrive. PLUS it allows labels to publish more music without having to worry if its gonna sell or not. traditional vinyl labels are also coming out with "net download only" concept, allowing them to offer music that otherwise might not fit their style 100%, or maybe they dont feel the tracks are quite done yet and want to test them... or maybe its a new producer and they want to see public's reaction that way before plunging into a full cd/vinyl release, and again, all at no additional cost to the label.

bring it on i say

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Message 3/17             07-Jan-05  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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hmm... possibly, but a world without record shops?.... that'd be pretty sad


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/17             07-Jan-05  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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someone could start a shop with a huge computer network and HUGE music database, and allow customers to pick and choose, and then leave the store with a custom burned CD complete with artwork of their choice, etc...

damn. thats a fckin good idea!

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Message 5/17             07-Jan-05  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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but i want some kind of fancy cover with lyrics and liner notes, it's an inherent part of the joy brought by a new record. back from the record shop, you sit on the bus and open it, check the artwork,have a taste of the lyrics so you can sing along rightoff the bat etc... i need that. should i go wait by the stairs now ?

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Message 6/17             07-Jan-05  @  10:36 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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right but tahts what Im sayin...a physical place where you can buy stuff...

dunno...the art wouldnt be "from the band" but hell you could even license artwork and shit...

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Message 7/17             08-Jan-05  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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Message 8/17             08-Jan-05  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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wow, a russian based website scamming from russian loophole law

If you think any of the artits there are getting compensated for those downloads you are kidding yourself on

Downloads the way forward? Yeah totally, if watermarking them and someone actually getting enough power to once and for all draw up some global legalities regarding mp3 internet misuse,, but then thats not going to happen anytiome soon

In the meantime , watch another 50 percent of INDIE labels fold while you pat yourself on the back for findiong the latest russian 10 bucks per gigabyte download website


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Message 9/17             08-Jan-05  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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Meanwhile the impoverished recording industry suffered a record year for CD sales in the UK, Australia and the US.. sniff...

Recording Industry in Australia works to conceal record-breaking sales

The UK record industry has had its best ever year for record sales, with 237 million sold in the twelve months leading up to September 2004.

US CD sales rose by 2.3% in 2004

I assume you're also aganst playing tunes on the radio because people can record them and share with friends?

Of course if the recording industry had embraced the idea of downloading 5 years ago instead of wasting their energy trying to cripple CD copying and pushing through the DMCA they might have made even more money...

Personally I've bought tons more music since being able to listen to stuff on the internet, old artists and bands that I haven't listened to for years, new stuff that I've come across on internet radio stations etc etc...

Meanwhile, I'd be interested in any references you can come up with to support your ' 50 percent of INDIE labels folding' assertion...


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Message 10/17             08-Jan-05  @  05:45 PM   -   RE: d/loads outstrip cd sales in UK


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we don't need referances zazza, we work with them

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