aaa Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!! - Music techology forums
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Subject: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!

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Original Message 1/19             06-Mar-98  @  05:45 AM   -   Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!


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Hey maybe someone out there can help me with this question. Fortunately I wasn't dumb enough to go out and waste my money on this so called MC-303. But one of my friends did and I've been trying to figure out this little box of ass since. My question is how in the hell do you sync with cubase, and a synth without having notes from the groovebox play with the synth. I basically just want the 303 to stay in sync, not to trigger any notes from it! If this is even possible?????????

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Message 2/19             06-Mar-98  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 240

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People who dont leave there e-mails eat dick in my opinion

By the way,

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Message 3/19             06-Mar-98  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!

acid cat


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Thanks Spot dear. I'll send you a nice message.

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Message 4/19             06-Mar-98  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 240

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Oh-no, what have i done  

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Message 5/19             06-Mar-98  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 240

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I`m sorry acid, i cant write back from that account as yet, i can only write back from my work account, but if i do that, then you`ll know my real name, and i`ll look in the papers next week, and i`ll probably be all over the front page in some sheep shagging ordeal

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Message 6/19             06-Mar-98  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!



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to do what you described, syncing to cubase only, you need to put the mc303 in sync "slave" mode(its in the manual). this way the 303 waits for a clock start signal from cubase while ignoring any incoming note data. and the 303 will still allow you to control all parameters from the front panel. so it is possible.
good luck...

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Message 7/19             07-Mar-98  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!

acid cat


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Its true, I cannot be trusted as far as you can throw me. Maybe you shouldn't try writing because then we might become friends and it won't be fun any more.

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Message 8/19             07-Mar-98  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 15

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Damn, I always thought your real name was Spot. Your email even made me think you may have been "The Spot Brothers".

Bye the way, I think the Yamaha QY700 would be a much a better machine than the MC303. It's got all the same filter/envelope/lfo stuff etc, and the sequencer is a helluva lot better. But none of them have a sampler, so they're not that good.

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Message 9/19             08-Mar-98  @  11:54 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!



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At least I got a dick! Spotty boy. And here's my E-mail
just in case you get another stroke of ingenius wit!

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Message 10/19             08-Mar-98  @  11:54 PM   -   RE: Groovebox eats a dick!!!!!!!!!



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At least I got a dick! Spotty boy. And here's my E-mail
just in case you get another stroke of ingenius wit!

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