aaa Best shareware drum synth/sequencer - Music techology forums
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Subject: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer

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Original Message 1/24             24-May-98  @  09:36 PM   -   Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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I use hammer and rebirth 1.0 .But apart from these ones wich is the best shareware to create drum bases with samples/loops/synthesis ...Anything goes .
Thanks .
Have you seen that Steinberg is at the point of selling Hammerhead with another name ?

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Message 2/24             26-May-98  @  05:30 AM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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If you just want to create a loop and you're willing to work in a non-realtime environment then Little Drummar Boy and Stomper by Zap ( are very cool and cheap.

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Message 3/24             26-May-98  @  08:49 AM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer


Posts: 240

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D-lusions Drumstation is the dogs nob

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Message 4/24             26-May-98  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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I heard about this Drumstation thingy but can find no reference to it on their web page. Is it anything to do with the vibrator project? Spot?

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Message 5/24             26-May-98  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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I heard about this Drumstation thingy but can find no reference to it on their web page. Is it anything to do with the vibrator project? Spot?

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Message 6/24             26-May-98  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer


Posts: 240

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Not as far as i know, i "came across it" on some ftp site, apart from the 20mb download its fucking superb!, I cant tell you much more than that i`m afriad

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Message 7/24             26-May-98  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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What do you mean by: can tell you much more i'm afraid, just name the ftp site or how you found the ftp site or the name on the program. What is so great about it compared with Hammerhead?

Thank you very much for your reply!


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Message 8/24             26-May-98  @  05:13 PM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer


Posts: 240

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Hammerhead is indeed a great programme, as it fruityloops i think, but this is just that much better all round, interface easier to use, sequncer made fer kids, it has around 10 or so drum banks, which are all excellent quality (yes including 808`s+909`s - becoming boring) each sample is editable with 5 or so effects,pitch,delay... , all the same sorta features as fruity but just Way way better, And no i`m not gonna be a cretin and tell you where to download it, these people work hard etc etc etc blah-fuckin-blah

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Message 9/24             26-May-98  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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Ok, they do work hard, but have you paid for it? You haven't, then you only think about yourself!

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Message 10/24             27-May-98  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: Best shareware drum synth/sequencer



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I heard that d-lusion are gonna updae their web site fairly soon to show info on this drumstation thing...

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